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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #22101
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    It would help if you read my response and then it would seem like we're having the same conversation.

    If he's pursuing that path where the U.S have energy independence, great, but it's pretty pointless if he's willing to rekindle a relationship with Saudi Arabia and bomb their enemies. It doesn't matter if his agenda is for the Saudi's to take on more refugees. That's just ridiculous reasoning when you think about it.
    I suspect the attacks on Yeman, Syria along with the threats to Iran have the Saudi's backing and if most of the warmongering is fueled by the Saudi's either producing extremists or putting the battery in America's back to attack the enemies of Saudi Arabia, Agent Orange's attempt to persuade the Saudi's to bring in more refugees is ridiculous since their creating the problem, no?

  2. #22102
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Incredible stuff from the "left wing" Guardian. They support the act but not the actor. Okay, the latter is personal choice for the unbiased and factual Guardian. But the former? You support a unilateral air strike on a sovereign nation in the absence of a shred of proof that nation has committed acts of aggression or violations of international law? Before the investigation has even started? And in light of the last "chemical attack" having been thoroughly disproved and dumped instead at the door of the Saudis and their peace loving "rebel" friends in Syria?

    Even more astounding, if we follow along with the literally insane left wing story line - why would Putin have ordered Trump to do this? Makes no sense at all. Or are we going to quietly back away from the Russian conspiracy now and pretend it never happened?

    Trump's a fool to have played into the hands of the warmongers and their mates at places like the Guardian. He may have been thwarted at every turn by the globalists and their pets in Washington and the media, but he was thwarted trying to do what he pledged to do. This though, is precisely the opposite of what he pledged. Raving psychopaths like McCain and Clinton are jumping for joy. Bombs, dead people, arses wiped with the law and a giant leap down the road to conflict? Plus Trump reverses a key pledge? It's Christmas, or Satanmas, or whatever they celebrate.
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  3. #22103
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Sweden this time.
    More wall to wall coverage of what looks like another lone wolf attack.
    Meanwhile the drip, drip, drip of mass shootings continues in America, so frequent they don't even bother reporting them, unless it's a particularly "good" one.

  4. #22104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    It would help if you read my response and then it would seem like we're having the same conversation.

    I suspect the attacks on Yeman, Syria along with the threats to Iran have the Saudi's backing and if most of the warmongering is fueled by the Saudi's either producing extremists or putting the battery in America's back to attack the enemies of Saudi Arabia, Agent Orange's attempt to persuade the Saudi's to bring in more refugees is ridiculous since their creating the problem, no?
    Of course it's ridiculous. That's how politics works. You make a deal with each devil, get what you can and try to survive the constant backstabbing. What do you imagine politics to be? Good guys and bad guys? Bush flew the bin Laden fuckers right out of the country hours after the 911 attacks. Uncle Tom blocked the victims from pointing the finger at the perps in a court. Now Trump makes nice so their problem children don't end up in his backyard and so the American banks, which the Saudis own, don't go bust. Politics. What do you expect?

    This is a president surrounded by enemies, particularly in the security services. People should be in jail following the Yemen incident because that was pure sabotage. Not that Trump should have been attacking Yemen at all. The suspicion then was his tenuous grip on power. That is all but confirmed by the Syria strike. He's president in name and his enemies, primarily in his own administration, but more importantly in his own party are making it impossible for him to move an inch. He can't get anything done domestically, yet he can whistle up an airstrike within the hour. That's very telling. Else he's gone full rogue and the military is with him. Which is a joke, but I wouldn't even be surprised to see that in some "authoritative" publication tomorrow.

    Yes we know the Saudis are terrorist scumbags. 911 kind of gave that game away. And the rampage of their ISIS "rebels". Their funding of radical Islam across Europe. Etc, etc. But that doesn't dispel the realities of geopolitics, geography or geology. Nor economics.
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  5. #22105
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    More wall to wall coverage of what looks like another lone wolf attack.
    Meanwhile the drip, drip, drip of mass shootings continues in America, so frequent they don't even bother reporting them, unless it's a particularly "good" one.
    Money. We are a corrupted species. Behind everything the motive is money. Everything. These attacks in Sweden, even though the nutter will be far from the profit centre, every gun death in America, again the perps and victims are just the sideshow, and even Arsenal Football Club. Money, money, money, money, money. That's what this ridiculous species has sold itself for. Slavery in the form of notes and coin - not even that, tiny particles flowing through space to form digital representations of imaginary wealth. Get enough of those electrons flowing your way and you get power. Get some power and you can enslave others and drain their life energy.

    The Matrix was a true story.
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  6. #22106
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    They didn't go with the rogue military angle - that was far too conventional. Instead...

    And remember, this is the mainstream and supposedly not fake media.

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  7. #22107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Of course it's ridiculous. That's how politics works. You make a deal with each devil, get what you can and try to survive the constant backstabbing. What do you imagine politics to be? Good guys and bad guys? Bush flew the bin Laden fuckers right out of the country hours after the 911 attacks. Uncle Tom blocked the victims from pointing the finger at the perps in a court. Now Trump makes nice so their problem children don't end up in his backyard and so the American banks, which the Saudis own, don't go bust. Politics. What do you expect?

    This is a president surrounded by enemies, particularly in the security services. People should be in jail following the Yemen incident because that was pure sabotage. Not that Trump should have been attacking Yemen at all. The suspicion then was his tenuous grip on power. That is all but confirmed by the Syria strike. He's president in name and his enemies, primarily in his own administration, but more importantly in his own party are making it impossible for him to move an inch. He can't get anything done domestically, yet he can whistle up an airstrike within the hour. That's very telling. Else he's gone full rogue and the military is with him. Which is a joke, but I wouldn't even be surprised to see that in some "authoritative" publication tomorrow.

    Yes we know the Saudis are terrorist scumbags. 911 kind of gave that game away. And the rampage of their ISIS "rebels". Their funding of radical Islam across Europe. Etc, etc. But that doesn't dispel the realities of geopolitics, geography or geology. Nor economics.
    I'm not surprised. It's politics after all and most politicians can't be trusted, but throughout our conversation about politics over the past 9 months or so, I'm more so surprised by your reaction to Agent Orange.

  8. #22108
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    To my mind the attack on Syria was pure political theatre. The target audience were the Chinese sitting right across from Trump as it happened. They are sending the message to North Korea that Uncle Sam is back and will no longer hold back from dealing with perceived threats. The whole circumstances leading up to the bombing of the Assad airbase sr so coincidental. Less than 24 hours after a gas attack that makes no sense from a military or political perspective for Assad. He was winning already, why jeopardize his position with a foolish attack on his own citizens. It smacks to me of a false flag operation. Without allowing for independent verification of who did it...boom. They launched into action. Why the rush?. Assad will still be there next week next month. No they did it to watch the Chinese squirm in front of them and hopefully the North Koreans too. The pity is that a few hundred innocent Syrians died just to make a point.

    Dont forget that 2 weeks ago. It was the US who had bombed civilians without justification Conveniently forgotten now. It was hilarious watching CNN trying to explain that the American were actually targeting a truck bomb that was heading into the neighbourhood. Seriously!. When has anyone ever used a truck bomb on civilian neighbourhoods?. It only works as a tool when you target strategic objectives. So the US was using a bomb to blow up a bomb. Wouldn't that give just a bigger bomb.
    Last edited by Globalgunner; 08-04-2017 at 03:19 PM.
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  9. #22109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delusions of Grandeur View Post
    I'm not surprised. It's politics after all and most politicians can't be trusted, but throughout our conversation about politics over the past 9 months or so, I'm more so surprised by your reaction to Agent Orange.
    I assume the "Agent" bit is a subliminal context for these Russian allegations? Uncle Tom is a very precise summary of Barack Hussein Obama's presidency and general philosophy. A puppet for Wall Street and a modern day master of the status quo. Appearing from nowhere (which had to be the case because of his extremely shady past) and ushered in on the promise of change and the subtext of being the first black president. The goodwill he enjoyed and the possibilities and opportunities he could have seized were almost limitless. He really could have been an "agent" for change. Hence my absolute hatred of him. It's the same hatred I'll apply to Trump should he betray his base so comprehensively.

    Agent Orange, or Donald Trump is far more a liberal than Barry Soetoro, in American terms at least. Look back at the track records of both. Trump is right down the middle, Soetoro is a Marxist. Trump is a nationalist, Soetoro a globalist. And that's the whole game. Nationalism (libertarianism-lite), far from perfect but if gives us a platform to push back, versus globalism (an extreme branch of Marxism) that ties us up once and for all so that all future change becomes impossible absent total collapse. The globalists have to be stopped at all costs. So I'm 100% behind Trump and Brexit and Le Pen and that should be pretty easy to understand.
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  10. #22110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    To my mind the attack on Syria was pure political theatre. The target audience were the Chinese sitting right across from Trump as it happened. They are sending the message to North Korea that Uncle Sam is back and will no longer hold back from dealing with perceived threats. The whole circumstances leading up to the bombing of the Assad airbase sr so coincidental. Less than 24 hours after a gas attack that makes no sense from a military or political perspective for Assad. He was winning already, why jeopardize his position with a foolish attack on his own citizens. It smacks to me of a false flag operation. Without allowing for independent verification of who did it...boom. They launched into action. Why the rush?. Assad will still be there next week next month. No they did it to watch the Chinese squirm in front of them and hopefully the North Koreans too. The pity is that a few hundred innocent Koreans died just to make a point.

    Dont forget that 2 weeks ago. It was the US who had bombed civilians without justification Conveniently forgotten now. It was hilarious watching CNN trying to explain that the American were actually targeting a truck bomb that was heading into the neighbourhood. Seriously!. When has anyone ever used a truck bomb on civilian neighbourhoods?. It only works as a tool when you target strategic objectives. So the US was using a bomb to blow up a bomb. Wouldn't that give just a bigger bomb.
    It was 100% without a doubt a false flag operation, and not even a good one. When you have to rely on the White Penises for verification you know it's a lie from top to bottom. Just like all the other false flags that have continued to provoke the situation in Syria (and Iraq beforehand). Any fool knows it was a false flag. Anyone with an ounce of sense could determine it through logic, instantly. But when you have an agenda, then that's a different story. Suddenly the absurd becomes credible.
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