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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #27471
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    About this specifically, not really but I am sick of everything, especially comedy, being cancelled.
    It's some random bint on Twitter. Who gives a shit?

    Your trolling might be more convincing if you didn't over do it with pointless shit like this.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  2. #27472
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    It's some random bint on Twitter. Who gives a shit?

    Your trolling might be more convincing if you didn't over do it with pointless shit like this.
    Duly noted.

  3. #27473
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    It's some random bint on Twitter. Who gives a shit?

    Your trolling might be more convincing if you didn't over do it with pointless shit like this.
    Says the troll. Oh the ironing.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #27474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    Too much stuff is going under the banhammer without thought given to context and nuance. It only serves to undermine and deflect away from genuine grievances which undeniably exist. It just provides a superficial signal of doing something while achieving nothing.
    The problem has been that over the last few years, whenever someone has said something, there are a select few (mainly on social media tbh) who instead of engaging & debating the issue, immediately call for said person to be banned/sacked from jobs/boycotted. Just look at what is happening to JK Rowling who has upset the trans community.

    There is no middle ground anymore, its either one side demanding something is banned or other demanding the opposite. There is no debate anymore. Going back to the JK Rowling issue, she wrote an essay explaining why she had said what she did and tbh when reading it, it seemed perfectly reasonable. While not expecting everyone to agree with what she said, she laid her argument in a clear way. She didnt insult anyone yet when you see some of the response on social media wishing death on her etc, you do have to wonder which side is being hateful!

    I really detest this cancel culture where instead on engaging in debate, people just demand others are sacked. Now there are arguments when people should be sacked, take the David Starkey interview last week with his comments “those dam blacks”. We all make mistakes so a one off might be a warning etc but this isn’t the first time he has made racist comments.
    However, wanting JK Rowling to be sacked/boycotted because some don’t agree with her comments on Trans people is just wrong. Perhaps if she had come out and said “all trans are nazi’s” there might be a case but she has done nothing of the sort.

    ALthough one person got someone sacked from the booker prize committee for homophobia but was rather upset when tweets he had written insulting trans people a few years ago were brought up and he got the sack too. You reap what you sow i suppose.

    But it goes back to your point about no context or nuance. There are too many bandwagons that are being jumped on without fully understanding why. Many people are getting into trouble because they say if you are born a man & transition, you still can’t menstruate. It’s a fact of life that but anyone who dares to think that, should be sacked etc.

  5. #27475
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    Completely agree Ollie. There's no debate any more. Opinion is so polarised.
    Brexit was a good example - a friend noted there used to be a bell curve of opinion about the EU, some extremely against, some extremely for but lots of shades of grey in the middle. The referendum polarised things, you were either IN or OUT and there was no balance or nuance in the debate on either side.
    The EU were either brilliant and we had to stay in or the sky would fall in, or they were our evil overlords who we had to leave before they took us over.
    The truth is obviously somewhere in the middle as it almost always is.

    Too often in debate it doesn't actually matter if what you're saying is true any more. All a bit depressing.

  6. #27476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    Completely agree Ollie. There's no debate any more. Opinion is so polarised.
    Brexit was a good example - a friend noted there used to be a bell curve of opinion about the EU, some extremely against, some extremely for but lots of shades of grey in the middle. The referendum polarised things, you were either IN or OUT and there was no balance or nuance in the debate on either side.
    The EU were either brilliant and we had to stay in or the sky would fall in, or they were our evil overlords who we had to leave before they took us over.
    The truth is obviously somewhere in the middle as it almost always is.

    Too often in debate it doesn't actually matter if what you're saying is true any more. All a bit depressing.
    I agree with the comments on brexit. It wasn’t a fun time to discuss any opinion.

    I met my wife’s Spanish mother just a few days after voting leave. That could have gone badly

    But then again, it just shows that people can tolerate other opinions. My wife is obviously a remainer given her Spanish blood but we can openly discuss our opinions of brexit and we don’t always agree.

    The other issue, and i blame the corbynites such as Owen Jones, Ask Sakar etc for this, is the political divide became enhanced under Corbyns leadership. So many people were told to “fuck off & join the tories” for daring to suggest that Corbyn might not be suitable or was wrong on a policy. Given labour needed to win over many swing voters from the tories, it was an interesting election strategy!

    It just entrenched this idea of no compromise & this continued with the brexit deal negotiated by May. There was no room for negotiation on either side. The ERG & Farage demanded a no deal & the remain side demanded revoke/second referendum. I still maintain that if the remain campaign had come out on the 24th June and said, we have lost & will respect the result by campaigning for a Norway style deal for example, it would have been easier. They would have been compromising, brexit would have been delivered. Even Farage had advocated the Norway deal so it would be hard for him to argue against it when two months before he wanted it!

    Edit: not to say some tories dont act like the corbynites did. All sides are guilty

  7. #27477
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    Maccy, Gary - TO THE BATCAVE!

  8. #27478
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    There was no way any kind of soft brexit was ever on the cards. Remainers had no say over the process. May negotiated a rock hard brexit and even that wasn't hard enough for the headbangers in her own party who voted down the deal. We ended up completely capitulating to the EU under Johnson. There was no benefit to Brexit then and that remains true now.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  9. #27479
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    There was no way any kind of soft brexit was ever on the cards. Remainers had no say over the process. May negotiated a rock hard brexit and even that wasn't hard enough for the headbangers in her own party who voted down the deal. We ended up completely capitulating to the EU under Johnson. There was no benefit to Brexit then and that remains true now.
    That wasn’t quite the point i was making.

    several remainers called for a second referendum pretty much the day after the first one. They offered no compromise etc. They just thought it was wrong that electorate dared to vote differently to what they wanted.

    now, if they have spent the next two years calling for a Norway style deal for example, they might have found a lot of support. Given high profile brexiteers like farage had called for it in the referendum, May might have felt emboldened to go for it. That way the leave campaign still got brexit & teh remain campaign delivered a softer brexit and accepted the result.

  10. #27480
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    Tut! I didn't really want to get into a debate about Brexit! I guess the main point I was picking up on was the quality of debate, or lack thereof.
    That definitely applied to Brexit where the level of debate was "THE EU IS EVIL AND TRYING TO TAKE US OVER" or "YOU'RE A THICK RACIST IF YOU VOTE FOR BREXIT AND THE SKY WILL FALL IN IF YOU DO".

    But it applies to everything. Look at the debate in the BLM around the David Starkey comments. By the generally understood definition of genocide, of course the slave trade wasn't one. They were trying to sell people, not kill them. By the definition GlobalGunner found then I concede it could be considered as such. But it took a long time to get a sensible response, the initial squeal of horror and ad hom attacks were the initial response, it was hard to get anyone to actually engage with the debate. It didn't matter about the truth of what was said, all the focus was on how he said it.

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