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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    IMO you shouldn't be better off on benefits than not.
    That is all.
    No of course not and that is the problem, it's all very well for Osbourne to talk about full employment in this country that would be desirable if the jobs were well paid enough. It's getting like in the states where many who are employed are also on food stamps and other welfare programs.
    On the other hand we cannot have an indefinite welfare program for those unwilling to work, i volunteer a lot with mental health charities and a lot of people want to work but they are worried about having the safety net fully removed and being left to cope entirerly by themselves and they don't have the confidence to be able to do this.
    I believe everyone within reason should work to some extent as i think everyone within reason has something to contribute, therefore benefits should be a leg up, assisting people like friends of my family who both work but struggle to make ends meet without child and housing benefits.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    i volunteer a lot with mental health charities
    Is that why you post on GW

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Is that why you post on GW
    Yep research

  4. #24
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I thought you were a staunch libertarian
    I am. One of the pillars of libertarianism is the notion of rights with responsibilities. Freedom is not a charter to harm others and neither does libertarianism call for the dismantling of society or law and order. That's just shit put out by centralisation freaks and commies who view individual responsibility in such a dim light they equate it with anarchy. Even then they misunderstand anarchy. Basically they mean anything they don't control and manipulate is chaotic by default.

    So, for example, pollution that cause harm to third parties and libertarianism are mutually exclusive. Rigging the courts and parliament to excuse and protect harmful business practices is the realm of the modern democrat or socialist (both communists in practical terms) - not libertarians.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I am. One of the pillars of libertarianism is the notion of rights with responsibilities. Freedom is not a charter to harm others and neither does libertarianism call for the dismantling of society or law and order. That's just shit put out by centralisation freaks and commies who view individual responsibility in such a dim light they equate it with anarchy. Even then they misunderstand anarchy. Basically they mean anything they don't control and manipulate is chaotic by default.

    So, for example, pollution that cause harm to third parties and libertarianism are mutually exclusive. Rigging the courts and parliament to excuse and protect harmful business practices is the realm of the modern democrat or socialist (both communists in practical terms) - not libertarians.
    I'm well aware of Libertarian philosophy, i read Nozick at University....and whilst he conceeds society is a form of truce gathering between individuals who know they can protect themselves collectively better than individually, i'm fairly sure there is no part of the libertarian philsophy that would advocate economic regulation.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I'm well aware of Libertarian philosophy, i read Nozick at University....and whilst he conceeds society is a form of truce gathering between individuals who know they can protect themselves collectively better than individually, i'm fairly sure there is no part of the libertarian philsophy that would advocate economic regulation.
    Of course you can and should have have economic regulation, it's called contract law and criminal law and in an even handed society it should apply to all. Libertarianism is not a free for all. It is freedom built on personal responsibility which in turn provides collective responsibility without the need for a tyranny of the majority. There would still be criminals under a libertarian system. The mistake people make is to assume only government is capable of adjudicating the disputes in society. In fact it's government and its penchant for funding itself with a revolving door scheme administered by lobbyists that is the main driver for corruption. It's not lawful economic activity that should be stifled (as is the case under the existing system), but unlawful activity - the law operating in reverse and instead in the originally (maybe, probably) intended manner. But who is going to enforce that now when those who are breaking the law are funding those who write it? Regulation as a series of ground rules that operate on a single tier and are understood by and accessible to all is not comparable to the manipulated regulations and regulations in name only we see today. Surely the banking bail-out has cast any doubts aside? If not, the bail-ins will ice it. Even so, as imperfect as they are, you don't get a solution to institutional criminality by removing the last few sticks we were given by less brazen criminals, especially when criminals are still in charge. That's just opening the hen house wider for the fox. Kill the fucking fox first, it's just common sense and doesn't require an ideology other than self preservation.
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  7. #27
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    It should be noted that The Tories have failed by their own economic measures be it growth, borrowing or the deficit.

    Abject failure by their own measures but the utterly incompetent opposition fail to hold them to account for it.

    The most sickening line is their 'making it pay to work' garbage.

    They're not making it pay to work. They're making it impossible to survive on benefits. There's a massive difference.

    If they were making it pay to work then they be looking at introducing a decent living wage and implementing a more progressive tax system. That would be making it pay to work. But no, what they're actually doing is squeezing those on benefits so much that they are forced to take jobs paying them almost slave labour wages. And all this is to appease their corporate paymasters who, due to the benefits squeeze, are under no pressure to actually align wages with productivity thus keeping the poor poor and the rich richer. In fact, Tesco will actually be subsidized to employ someone at minimum wage now.

    All of this is then reinforced on the public by the mainstream media showing programs such as Benefits Streets and the Immigrant Street and printing rubbish about the absolute anomalies who actually do rape the systems...all the while completely ignoring the demonstrable fact that by far the single biggest welfare drain comes in the form of corporate welfare where again, the rich are further enabled to get richer (and it's this that has just given the Tories more cause for celebration as pay levels are now ahead of inflation - the reality is that it is wages at the top that are seeing the increases, due to this corporate welfare, while those at the lower end continue to lag further and further behind).

    The UK.

    The 4th most unequal society in the developed world.
    Last edited by Allahrsenal; 17-04-2014 at 11:37 AM.

  8. #28
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    But no, what they're actually doing is squeezing those on benefits so much that they are forced to take jobs paying them almost slave labour wages.
    And helping their corporate mates ship jobs overseas to brand new slave markets, the very jobs people retrained in after the industries were savaged in the interests of "progress" and the modern economy, while importing impoverished eastern Europeans into domestic slave labour markets to drive down the cost of human ownership for Lord and Lady Muck. It's like farming, moving the livestock around from pen to pen to maximise the milk yield for the minimum feed bill. And if the cow gets sick or keels over from exhaustion, do a C4 documentary on Lazy Cows. Correct. This is what pure evil looks like.
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  9. #29
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    I made the point about the opposition being too incompetent to hold them too account but that isn't the case. They are incompetent but they're actually complicit in this instance and that is why they're not holding them to account.

    The Tory's, Diet Tories and Tory Lite are just one party with different colours of tie. That is the real issue here.

    Westminster is a failed establishment.

    The Scots have the right of it. Vote to withdraw from Westminsters foot.

  10. #30
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    Here's another example of benefit fraud.

    They turn up for a nap then claim their £300 expenses per day.

    Where's the uproar?

    That's right, it's focused on the single mum of 2 parents who claimed an extra £12 a week she wasn't entitled to so she could cover the bedroom tax.

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