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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #31501
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    What the FA put up at the game seemed fine to me, a well-judged statement and while I didn't watch the match, the minute's silence was apparently well-observed

    And Hendo got booed which is fair enough

  2. #31502
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    What the FA put up at the game seemed fine to me, a well-judged statement and while I didn't watch the match, the minute's silence was apparently well-observed

    And Hendo got booed which is fair enough

    Respectfully disagree, an utterly mealy mouthed and contemptible statement of both side ism.

    And an example of why there is a notable lack of trust and faith in the institutions in this country

    Not that they are alone, taken the Met police a week before they’ve committed to arresting those in public with Hamas flags

    Glad I’m not in London today, plenty of cunts with Palestinian flags chanting “from the river to the sea” about. Evidently last week has given them even more craving for Jew blood.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 14-10-2023 at 02:00 PM.

  3. #31503
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    Not that they are alone, taken the Met police a week before they’ve committed to arresting those in public with Hamas flags
    ...instead of doing the intelligent thing and closely monitoring the activity of those that have them - that would be too much like hard work though wouldn't it?

  4. #31504
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    ...instead of doing the intelligent thing and closely monitoring the activity of those that have them - that would be too much like hard work though wouldn't it?
    That and Prevent have lost their balls….they treat the threat of grooming to extremist Islam and the far right as equivalent even though the statistics show that both in terms of risk of radicalisation and terror that extremist Islam is by far the more prevalent risk. No one is saying that far right radicalisation doesn’t happen, but in reality despite the fear mongering the far right hasn’t ever come near to the prominence it once enjoyed through the National Front up to the 70s. Yes you had a brief resurgence in the 90s with Combat 18 and to a lesser extent with EDL/Britain First in the last ten-fifteen years.

    But Islamic radicalisation is prominent not just in this country but all over Europe. And it will start with making excuses for groups like Hamas as freedom fighters rather than a nihilistic terror group. But Prevent has its hands tied because idiots accuse it of Islamophobia (an utterly stupid term…as if somehow disliking a religion is the same as being prejudiced against individuals for their innate traits). That and a complete misunderstanding of what Prevent does as if somehow it involves people being interned or treated like criminals (which isn’t the case)

  5. #31505
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    BBC News/Sky News Yesterday: The IDF destroyed the Al-Ahli, Al-Arabi Hospital yesterday, this is disgraceful and should be condemned

    BBC News/Sky News today: We still don’t know what happened and people shouldn’t rush to judgement

    Whilst I have no time the conspiracy theorists and the way they cite as fact that which is at best fevered speculation and at worst outright knowing lies. I have stated consistently that the nebulous mainstream media is definitely responsible for the lack of trust in it, when it shows no interest in objectivity in pursuit of being either the quickest to breaking news or what is downright editorial bias….why shouldn’t people then decide to believe anything that confirms their own biases and call it truth

  6. #31506
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    It’s a casualty of 24 hour rolling news.
    If sites like the BBC say nothing at all then it’s all MeDiA bLaCkOuT. What are they trying to hide?
    So the only other option is they publish something when the facts are not fully known.
    Which then has to be updated as facts emerged. And then it’s all ThEy KeEp ChAnGiNg ThEiR StOrY!!1!

    This is the issue I have with certain people who act like the MSM wrote the sodding dossier about WMD. They didn’t write it, they just reported it. They also reported when it was found to be a load of lies. What were they supposed to do? Just not say anything about it until they’d done a thorough investigation?

    They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t

  7. #31507
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    RIP and all that, but also… eejit!

  8. #31508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It’s a casualty of 24 hour rolling news.
    If sites like the BBC say nothing at all then it’s all MeDiA bLaCkOuT. What are they trying to hide?
    So the only other option is they publish something when the facts are not fully known.
    Which then has to be updated as facts emerged. And then it’s all ThEy KeEp ChAnGiNg ThEiR StOrY!!1!

    This is the issue I have with certain people who act like the MSM wrote the sodding dossier about WMD. They didn’t write it, they just reported it. They also reported when it was found to be a load of lies. What were they supposed to do? Just not say anything about it until they’d done a thorough investigation?

    They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t
    Respectfully that’s nonsense. The option is not between making a claim based on using Hamas as a source (who by the way immediately seemed to know how many people had died) and a news blackout. The response is to announce the incident but to claim that you don’t know how it happened. Plus it wasn’t just that it was the air of judgement it took in its reporting, the scathing tone.

    Sky News have form for this shit, on July 7th 2005 they were totally irresponsible…claiming that there had been calls for mass evacuation from all london stations when no such decision had been made.

    BBC at least had a history of correcting itself when it made mistakes and valuing putting accuracy above being the quickest. Now I think it’s moved away from that to compete you’re right, but yesterday was more than that it was the editorial zeal. It was “finally we’ve nailed the bastards!”

    I’m clear on the fact that I think Netanyahu is a cunt, the guy is the Israeli Trump in that he’s an utter crook and using office to stop himself going to prison for clear corruption. I also think the IDF has done some shitty things down the years. However all of that can be true, and still be as clear as day that it’s not relevant to what’s happening currently. When the Israeli Labour Party has been in power, the government has been just as hawkish in tracking down the perpetrators (Golda Mair was the prime minister when the Israeli athletes were murdered by the Black September, and she instructed Mossad to hunt down the perpetrators to the far corners of the earth)…so despite credulous lefties, this isn’t about a right wing government this is about Hamas ensconcing itself in one of the most densely packed areas on this planet….and because of this expecting Israel not to hunt down Hamas….because reasons.

    People cry out “This action isn’t going to help bring about peace”. No probably not, but a) no one has the slightest idea of how to bring about a peaceful resolution to Israel-Palestine b) This isn’t about Israel-Palestine anymore, this is about Israel-Hamas or more specifically Israel-Iran.

    Hamas like Hezbollah, like the Al Quds Force, like ISIS, like Al Queda, like Al-Shabab are the very model of nihilistic evil, death cults who represent the utter nadir of anything we consider civilised. A cancer in human form, and cancer treatment can be traumatic, intrusive and leave behind collateral damage…but it’s also necessary.

    By way of disclaimer, I’m not really having a go at you here. Like with Mac last week I should say that I’m not critiquing views I believe you hold. I’m kind of saying no I don’t agree with you that BBC is merely the victim of the ecosystem in which it exists, and then going off on one basically

  9. #31509
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    RIP and all that, but also… eejit!
    Alas, much as we might want. We sometimes cannot save people from themselves

  10. #31510
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    By way of disclaimer, I’m not really having a go at you here. Like with Mac last week I should say that I’m not critiquing views I believe you hold. I’m kind of saying no I don’t agree with you that BBC is merely the victim of the ecosystem in which it exists, and then going off on one basically
    I wouldn’t say it’s merely the victim of the ecosystem, but I reckon it’s a factor.
    I didn’t see the article you’re talking about but the BBC do usually cite their sources. But they let themselves down with screaming headlines which are often misleading.
    What I find frustrating is this polarising view from certain people that people like me just blindly believe the MSM. I mean, they just blindly disbelieve the MSM and how is that better? The MSM aren’t always lying, neither are that paragons of truth. So reading a range of sources and cross checking seems like a reasonable thing to do. Just declaring the MSM as “fake news” and then getting your news from some bloke on YouTube who by complete coincidence just happens to share your worldview doesn’t make you a “free thinker”. You’re not “doing your own research”, you’re just listening to people who tell you want to hear.

    Now I’m going off on one
    The headline is, why does everything have to be black and white? I miss nuance.

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