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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #32131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    alleged rapist

    and one person's espionage is another's informing the public what governments are doing on their 'behalf'

    anyway isn't 15 lost years spent with a death sentence hanging over his head enough for you?
    A death sentence hanging over his head? No we don’t extradite people who may be facing capital punishment in another country so that was never on the cards

    I see your avowed feminism only occurs when it suits you, do you think these women in Sweden are lying?

    No he induced Manning to take classified documents, not only that but his leaks put American service personnel in danger and it led to an Afghanistan translator being murdered.

    The guy is not a whistleblower but a fraud, he took refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy not because he feared extradition to the US (he was released on bail in the UK with the condition that he had to show himself at a police station once a week) but because he knew full well he could be forced to face the music for sexual crimes

  2. #32132
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    I see your avowed feminism only occurs when it suits you, do you think these women in Sweden are lying?

    I've never said I'm a feminist, that's you resorting to cheap generalisations again

    There's a million reasons why anyone might lie about anything - just because they're women doesn't make them more or less likely to be honest, true equality is treating all people the same, not elevating one gender above the other in any way

    And I prefer to say that people are innocent until proven guilty, which is what any good justice system should be based on

    and as for "No we don’t extradite people who may be facing capital punishment in another country so that was never on the cards " it was only the Ecuadorian embassy that prevented him being extradicted to Sweden which would have amounted to the same thing as he'd then have been probably extradicted to the States from there
    Last edited by Mac76; 25-06-2024 at 03:44 PM.

  3. #32133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    I've never said I'm a feminist, that's you resorting to cheap generalisations again

    There's a million reasons why anyone might lie about anything - just because they're women doesn't make them more or less likely to be honest, true equality is treating all people the same, not elevating one gender above the other in any way

    And I prefer to say that people are innocent until proven guilty, which is what any good justice system should be based on

    and as for "No we don’t extradite people who may be facing capital punishment in another country so that was never on the cards " it was only the Ecuadorian embassy that prevented him being extradicted to Sweden which would have amounted to the same thing as he'd then have been probably extradicted to the States from there
    No you haven’t said you’re a feminist, but some of the nonsensical arguments you made about how Rubiales kissing Hermoso might start an epidemic of work place sexual assaults and the fact that you get up on your haunches when anything remotely sexist is uttered might suggest that this wasn’t an unreasonable conclusion to come to.

    So I can only conclude that your principles crumble when it comes to someone you like. That you’re a vapid hypocrite is no surprise to me of course.

    But if it suits you to move into the realm of paranoid conspiracy theory that his extradition to Sweden was a ruse to get him over to America. Well that’s your choice

  4. #32134
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    But if it suits you to move into the realm of paranoid conspiracy theory that his extradition to Sweden was a ruse to get him over to America. Well that’s your choice
    Not a ruse but the concern was that the US would extradict him from Sweden

    As for the other stuff you wrote, do calm down dear...

  5. #32135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Not a ruse but the concern was that the US would extradict him from Sweden

    As for the other stuff you wrote, do calm down dear...
    Calm down , just pointing out like all political tribalists you are a hypocrite, and before you protest about not being tribal. I knew from a mile off that there were two type of people that might object to my post….self styled libertarians/right wing populists and people like yourself who despite protestations of being independently minded just coincidentally tick off every box for the tribal left.

    Assange is a self important narcissist and like all self important narcissists doesn’t like it when he’s brought to task over questionable Behaviour.

    This wasn’t journalism or whistleblowing….this was as he has now admitted guilt to espionage because he wasn’t a passive receiver of classified documents he manipulated a clearly vulnerable and naive individual like Manning into getting them for him, and then left Manning to hang out to dry.

    This had nothing to do with what people deserved to know, and more about his own aggrandisement. He’s clearly subsequently tried to sway elections as well as manipulating events during the Arab spring.

    I think the sexual assault allegations made by those women is totally consistent with a character who has no qualms about disregarding other people’s boundaries. I think his problems are all of his own making and frankly he’s fortunate to be walking free…but an individual like that won’t learn his lesson because he’s pathologically incapable.

  6. #32136
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    And this 'tribe' is what exactly?

    I just think what i think, i don't follow herds or put people into stereotypical boxes lile you do

  7. #32137
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    Well it isn’t just what you think, it’s the clear posturing that goes with it.

    For example The way you need to let people know about your boycott on papers like the Sun, rather than just not reading it because you don’t like its content.

    You say it’s not tribal, but if I were to guess I doubt in your social circle you have many people who vote Tory, have voted Brexit. That may be conscious choice, it may just be how it is.

    Plus I know a lot of liberal left thinkers in my own social circle…I was one of them, until we started divesting from each other over post modern concepts of social justice, Jeremy Corbyn and even Brexit where I had voted Remain and been quite annoyed by the Leave vote but the sanctimony and totally undeserved supposition of both moral and intellectual superiority by many Remainers became too much for me.

    It’s not to say these people aren’t my friends anymore, we just don’t discuss politics because I know what to expect

  8. #32138
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Well it isn’t just what you think, it’s the clear posturing that goes with it.

    For example The way you need to let people know about your boycott on papers like the Sun, rather than just not reading it because you don’t like its content.
    Errr, this is, like, a messageboard, it's a place where people express their views - after all this whole conversation started with you letting people know your views on Julian Assange

  9. #32139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Errr, this is, like, a messageboard, it's a place where people express their views - after all this whole conversation started with you letting people know your views on Julian Assange
    You don’t understand the difference between expressing an opinion and virtue signalling?

    I think X = An Opinion

    I boycott such and such because of X = Wanting people to know what a Good Egg you think you are

    As I say it’s an Observation…you do you, it’s just that normally I find when people try to sell their own moral worthiness they are usually the worst kind of hypocrite.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 26-06-2024 at 08:22 AM.

  10. #32140
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    Err, no, boycotting is where you don't want to contribute financially to something you don't agree with

    Your translation of that to it being all about creating an impression says a lot more about how your own mind works than it does about mine I'm afraid

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