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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #32371
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post
    And therein lies a huge part of the problem. Parallel societies where they have more loyalty to a 3rd world *censoredbyKeith* they may never have even been to then the country they were born and raised in.
    Would you feel the same if we were talking about Irish people who even when they were born here identify more as Irish than English?

    I don’t like Pakistan especially as a country, its prioritised blasphemy laws over dealing with its shamefully low adult literacy and poverty levels. It harboured Bin Laden for years and too many people there are sympathetic to jihadist terrorism.

    But this country is full of different people who have cultural ties to other countries.

    As long as they can speak the language, respect our laws and don’t demand we respect their silly religion, I lack the required level of insecurity to be bothered by people celebrating foreign cultural ties.

  2. #32372
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Would you feel the same if we were talking about Irish people who even when they were born here identify more as Irish than English?


    But you also know that is different and they are far more culturally compatible.

  3. #32373
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wengerbabies View Post

    But you also know that is different and they are far more culturally compatible.
    Are they?

    I’ve met all different kinds of British Pakistanis, most of them (especially those who were born here) are quite well integrated. Dont get me wrong there are issues in monocultural enclaves. But I wouldn’t want to make any generalisations about Pakistanis than I would Irish (although as I’m part Irish I feel comfortable calling them a bunch of bogtrotting cunts)

  4. #32374
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Are they?

  5. #32375
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Are they?

    I’ve met all different kinds of British Pakistanis, most of them (especially those who were born here) are quite well integrated. Dont get me wrong there are issues in monocultural enclaves. But I wouldn’t want to make any generalisations about Pakistanis than I would Irish (although as I’m part Irish I feel comfortable calling them a bunch of bogtrotting cunts)
    This coy type of compliant conformism is old. Just look at a map if you can't wrap your head around the very obvious differences. And go and ask an Indian for an opinion, they'll open your eyes PDQ. One of my closest associates is a Pakistani, another is an Irishman, nothing can be judged on an individual basis beyond your own individual relationship. But I have zero illusions about the acceptable (even though we fought wars) Irish community and the entirely unacceptable Pakistani community in general. Don't forget, the Irish community are as brainwashed by their demons and the Pakistani community are brainwashed by theirs. The latter have far more fearsome demons and if only 1% accept the call we have utter carnage. We are also brainwashed by our respective demons. The difference, I have concluded, is if Irish and British demons were revealed we'd reject them. I can't same the same for other demons and reactions. We saw this after 9/11 (even though the Americans did that themselves and it had nothing to do with Muslims, other than the people hired and the banks that financed it).

    What I'd really like to see is British people overthrowing their tyrannical government and Irish people overthrowing their tyrannical government and Pakistani people overthrowing their tyrannical government and then all these people going to live in their own lands sans the threat of the one thing that causes all these problems, government. Diversity really is amazing, which is why everybody should go back to where they are culturally comfortable and progress those cultures.
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  6. #32376
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    I hate people who I actively want to die. Most people in my direct sphere of influence only have an effect on my life if I permit them to.

    So there’s Jihadists people like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Bashar Al-Assad, The Al-Sauds, The Ayatollah Khomenei and his regime, Nicolas Maduro.

    Please feel free to go on at length at how I only hate these people because of my naive media diet etc etc and I’ll definitely listen.
    Sorry, but this is truly crazy. The bold bit. WTF are you on about? I'll get to your message later, but for the love of God, please try toi make sense of what you said there and then try to make it make sense to me. There are limits.
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  7. #32377
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Cool, so we are going with paranoid fantasies rather than just basic reading. At least if I don’t bother to read your ramblings, I don’t try and pretend I know what you said in them
    Why even make such childish claims in an actual response? If you don't read what I say, how the hell can you respond to it? It's just dumb. Your brain is broken.
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  8. #32378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    It wasn't a boast, it was just a statement. You seem to constantly expect very serious discussions about the important matters of the day.
    I keep explaining that's not really why people come here.
    I cannot emphasise enough to you how much you will regret wasting your time and intellect on the trivial as the cage closed around you. You'll realise in the end, but it will be far, far too late. The confidence in which you express your complacency is chilling. All you seem to want to do is win arguments on the Internet. That seems to be a life reward. The last word, the final trivial remark, the dedication to mundanity as events of great import swirl around your oblivious form. Until the day you finally look around you and ask, "How did this happen?" Let me spare you the question.

    YOU did it.
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  9. #32379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I'm pretty sure all my shit is already in multiple databases.

    Can we not try a handshake?
    No! We can't. I started with a handshake, with everyone. And the response was, SURE, if we agree on everything then we can shake hands - otherwise you are a racist, conspiracy theorist, misogynistic, blah. Your lot don't do reason.

    The way you just accept you are in multiple databases, like that's just normal. Why can't I access the privileged communications of MPs so I can see what they are up to as they "represent" me? Wouldn't you think thtat was far more appropriate than them building a database on you and me? We're in charge, right? They do what we say?

    You believe that just as much as I believe it. But you still need it to be true.

    They are very, very bad people and under no circumstances is it valid to endorse or support them.

    BECAUSE you. endorse and support them, and because they are very, very bad people (mountains of evidence already provided), and even (if you want) because we are Christians - WE HAVE A DUTY. It is not a choice.

    But you abandon that duty and then ask me to shake your hand. How can you expect me to do that? Why would you even suggest it?

    Do you think I do the Christian thing because I have a secret bias against Christians that I'm trying to seep into the conversation? Or do you think I do the Christian thing because I'm absolutely fucking serious? Can a man who endorses evil and tries to convert those to his evil honestly expect to pass through the eye of that particular needle?

    I think you have no idea what is coming, even though I informed you at every step.
    Last edited by Niall_Quinn; 15-08-2024 at 09:24 PM.
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  10. #32380
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Racist thugs going ape - lock the fuckers up and throw away the key that's what I say
    I thought you supported BLM and antifa? Why the sudden change of heart?
    Für eure Sicherheit

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