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Thread: "Currants Bw..."

  1. #32721
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    That's pure BS

    Bojo the Clown, Mr Barnard Castle, Rees Cunt etc.wanted as hard a Brexshit as possible, the idea that Remainers are somehow responsible for it being a shitshow is farcical, it's like shooting someone and then blaming them for getting in the way of the bullet

    (Btw didn't that actually happen with Dick Cheney or someone, but that's idiots for you)

  2. #32722
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Rather than invoking others to leave, why didn’t salty people like yourself actually leave the country post referendum. Try to resettle elsewhere whilst you could?
    What kind of stupid argument is that?!

  3. #32723
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    That's pure BS

    Bojo the Clown, Mr Barnard Castle, Rees Cunt etc.wanted as hard a Brexshit as possible, the idea that Remainers are somehow responsible for it being a shitshow is farcical, it's like shooting someone and then blaming them for getting in the way of the bullet

    (Btw didn't that actually happen with Dick Cheney or someone, but that's idiots for you)
    They did want as hard a Brexit as possible, but there was a three year period before Johnson became prime minister in which Remain could have worked with May, would they have got everything they wanted no?. But they didn’t even try. May only ruled out membership of the single market in January of 2017, six months after the Brexit vote…because the only people putting pressure on her were the headbangers because Remainers had thrown a strop and Corbyn was as much a remainer as he was a competent leader.

    We hear all the time about the adults needing to take charge, but the “adults” are just as good at being tantrum throwing kids as the populists.

    They couldn’t even get a compromise solution in the indicative votes. It was embarrassing

  4. #32724
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    What kind of stupid argument is that?!
    Why is it a stupid argument? I’m not even referring to all remainers (I voted remain myself) but there’s specifically a group of people who from 2016 will tell anyone who listens how much they dislike this country and most of the people that live here. It stands to reason therefore that they’d be happier elsewhere.

    And just so there’s no confusion, I don’t mean people who are opposed to certain government policy or are disappointed/annoyed at the result of a referendum, these are ephemeral things. It’s the kind of people who say they despise seeing the Union Jack. Now if that applies to no one here….great. But it’s not a strawman I guarantee you

  5. #32725
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  6. #32726
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Yeah I saw that. The only thing I’d say is that with Bone Cancer whilst it can’t be cured, it can be kept at bay. I know someone who eight years ago was given a similar terminal prognosis with Bone Cancer, he’s still alive today and largely pain free

  7. #32727
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    That's pure BS

    Bojo the Clown, Mr Barnard Castle, Rees Cunt etc.wanted as hard a Brexshit as possible, the idea that Remainers are somehow responsible for it being a shitshow is farcical, it's like shooting someone and then blaming them for getting in the way of the bullet

    (Btw didn't that actually happen with Dick Cheney or someone, but that's idiots for you)
    I’ve made this argument before but i do think some remainers are partly to blame for the mess. The reason being is that literally on the day after the referendum we have several high profile remainers demanding a second vote etc. hardly respecting the result.

    Now if the remain campaign had immediately come out with, we lost but the vote was close so we need to keep both sides together etc, we therefore back the Norway style deal it would have resulted in two likely things. The first is that no one could accuse them of not respecting the result because Norway style deal would have meant leaving the EU & loads of brexiteers such as Farage are on record in lead up to 2016 stating Norway would be a great result.

    Second thing would have been that by stating a preferred outcome, and if they had really pushed it would probably have majority support amongst both sides who voted in referendum, would have forced leavers to explain to not only explain their plan but also explain why Norway was good before the vote but rubbish after.

    Instead we had court cases and votes against brexit with remainers trying to block it through parliament etc. which further entrenched the “they wont respect the result” view which allowed the likes of Johnson and Cummings to argue, successfully, in 2019 that brexit wasn’t being honoured etc. the fact their plan was bollocks was almost irrelevant by that point as people just wanted it done.

    Now I’m not saying if remain had on day 1 pivoted to a Norway style deal (or similar) that all would have been fine but i suspect if they had, quite a few leavers would have supported it which would have pushed the likes of Johnson & Farage to the fringes arguing against a policy majority on board with. May would have had cover to go for softer brexit and who knows, perhaps even the EU may have agreed some modification to Norway agreement that would have been specific to UK, especially if a united front was shown by all sides in UK.

    If after two years, the likes of Johnson & Farage were still dominating and hard Brexit still being pushed etc, then remain could have turned around and said, “we tried, We respected result went for Norway but the leavers wont listen so we now think a second referendum etc is only option” it would have painted leave as the party who couldn’t compromise etc rather than the other way around

  8. #32728
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    I’m reminded of the line from The Shawshank Redemption “how can you be so obtuse?”

    Well apparently this Guardian columnist can, she seems to think things like this happen because we don’t ban smacking….because apparently scalding your child with boiling water, burning them with an iron, strangling them, biting them and causing fatal spinal damage comes from a lack of a law saying we shouldn’t physically chastise a child with a smack round the back of the legs.
    Whether we should have a law like that in England is beside the fucking point, this happened because this girl was born into a culture where female children are routinely threatened and beaten if they show signs of becoming too “westernised” even children of this girls age. Because cowardly men like her murdering pig of a father is more scared of losing standing with his community than the risk of causing serious harm or death to his child.

  9. #32729
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    I’m reminded of the line from The Shawshank Redemption “how can you be so obtuse?”

    Well apparently this Guardian columnist can, she seems to think things like this happen because we don’t ban smacking….because apparently scalding your child with boiling water, burning them with an iron, strangling them, biting them and causing fatal spinal damage comes from a lack of a law saying we shouldn’t physically chastise a child with a smack round the back of the legs.
    Whether we should have a law like that in England is beside the fucking point, this happened because this girl was born into a culture where female children are routinely threatened and beaten if they show signs of becoming too “westernised” even children of this girls age. Because cowardly men like her murdering pig of a father is more scared of losing standing with his community than the risk of causing serious harm or death to his child.
    There was once this white English guy who killed his child - so you can't go around blaming hajis for being uncivilised, willy nilly!
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