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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #3811
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    You can fuck off

    Economics is ephemeral, NQ is right about one thing the idea that the treasury can control the economy is a massively oversold one.

    The kind of social engineering going on without peoples consent and being accepted in the name of inclusivity or because idiots like you think the latest crisis demands more attention is startling.

    Kwarteng is a cunt, and his idea for economic revival is moronic, but a) it’s nothing new it’s what Truss was promising for the last two months if anyone had bothered to pay attention and b) any radical economic policy especially one that entailed a lot of borrowing would have seen a run on the pound.

    The thing is they will probably walk half of these pledges back as well
    They can’t control the economy - but they can tank it and that is just what is happening now. Economics isn’t ephemeral. When the bills are paid and people have enough to heat their houses and feed their families, then we can start on the ephemeral crap over whether it is ok that your aunt has a bigger dick than you. Which she does.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  2. #3812
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    If you’re going to copy words I’ve used a least apply them in the right context.

    There’s not going to be a Labour government for at least two years, nothing you or I say will change that. So if bills are going to go unpaid and people are going to freeze or starve or whatever it is they are going to do…it’s going to happen anyway.

    It won’t happen because Howard from the Halifax has given a massive tax rebate to people with pin stripe suits and massive coke habits, it’ll be because governments Tory and Labour have done nothing to make the country energy independent

    But long term one of the thing the right has right is the western world is dying from a cultural sickness, we just disagree on what the cure is.

    So you’re panicking about things you have no ability to change, and you’re having a go at me for not automatically thinking Labour will lead us to a good place. Two years the damage will be done economically, and Labour a) give me no belief that they understand that tough choices need to be made b) are heedlessly embracing social justice policies that will alienate vast amounts of the people they lost to the Tories over the past ten years.

  3. #3813
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    That’s rather stupid of you….I can guarantee you it won’t have made you any smarter
    I don't think it's stupid at all to listen to other viewpoints. It's actually important to challenge one's views and beliefs by hearing from people with a range of opinions. Too many people just listen to the stuff they already agree with. Now that is a guaranteed way of not making you any smarter.

    And also too many people are far too certain in their views about things which they can't possibly be sure about. Your reading of Arteta is based on pretty flimsy evidence, for example. You have a right to a view but IMO you're just seeing what you want to see - no-one else is seeing what you are. When it comes to this, well you have at least acknowledged that we can't know for sure what would have happened under Corbyn. My gut feeling is some of the things you say are probably right. But would we be in the economic mess we are in under him? I doubt it tbh. And I think we'd be edging towards a society where the gap between the haves and have nots wasn't quite so large. He at least had principles a bit more noble than "make rich people even richer and hope that will somehow trickle down to the plebs".

  4. #3814
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Who said Labour was going to take us to a good place? A less shit place is more likely. The current direction of the thread relates to whether it would be worse with Corbyn. The thing is, it probably wouldn’t be worse - at least not economically. And I’m aware that had I said something like this ahead of the last election, it would’ve sounded comical. Yet here we fucking are.

    I didnt and don’t want to go off on this tangent but yeah, I think cancel culture is shit and I hate that I can’t speak openly about basic biological facts. Scientific fact that morons construe as hateful opinion. They can fuck off too.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  5. #3815
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    On other corner of the internet I am defending JK Rowling for her suggestion that while trans people exist and for some of them transition is the right thing, there are obvious dangers of letting anyone who randomly decides they're a women use women's restrooms. Any even vague deviation from the "correct" opinion now is drowned out in a sea of "OH YOU BIGOT! WHY ARE YOU SPREADING SUCH HATE?!!!1!".
    It's depressing how hard it is to have a grown up conversation these days.

  6. #3816
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I don't think it's stupid at all to listen to other viewpoints. It's actually important to challenge one's views and beliefs by hearing from people with a range of opinions. Too many people just listen to the stuff they already agree with. Now that is a guaranteed way of not making you any smarter.

    And also too many people are far too certain in their views about things which they can't possibly be sure about. Your reading of Arteta is based on pretty flimsy evidence, for example. You have a right to a view but IMO you're just seeing what you want to see - no-one else is seeing what you are. When it comes to this, well you have at least acknowledged that we can't know for sure what would have happened under Corbyn. My gut feeling is some of the things you say are probably right. But would we be in the economic mess we are in under him? I doubt it tbh. And I think we'd be edging towards a society where the gap between the haves and have nots wasn't quite so large. He at least had principles a bit more noble than "make rich people even richer and hope that will somehow trickle down to the plebs".

    There’s a difference between heterodoxy and giving everyone the time of day when their views are a best uninformed and at worst vexatious.

    They have in my view every right to express those views but there’s only so much time in the day to give people time that are undeserving of it. NQ for example is far from unintelligent and some of his opinions are both thoughtful and insightful but the amount of time required to distill it from the standard garden variety conspiratorial bollocks that I consider an insult to my intelligence that he would even expect people to believe let alone assert it as objective truth. I don’t know what job you work affords you that time, but I sure as hell don’t have it.

    In regards to Arteta whilst I can’t expect you to make the separation between the hyperbole we are all prone to and when I’m saying something for real…I do believe there is something there that people point blankly refuse to see. Am I prone to embellish it because I’m far from impressed by the job he’s done as manager yes. Do I also quite earnestly state that reading his body language leads me to believe he is a closed and insular person who eschews close personal relationships also yes.

    And stating that Corbyn would have done anything to deal with inequality is credulous, do I think that would have been his intention? Yes whatever else he clearly on a superficial level believes in a fairer society. But he wouldn’t have the start of an inkling of even knowing how to bring this about and his government for as long as it lasted would be one of vanity projects and vast government wastage. The economy is in the state it’s in because energy demand vastly outweighing supply has caused inflation, on top of that 18 months of Covid has created a dormant economy…consumer behaviours have changed and on a national level the market place has been slow to adapt.

    Someone who is neither well versed or interested in economic matters (Corbyn calls himself the lefts foreign secretary which shows you how revoltingly ugly the lefts foreign policy is) would have left things to a shadow chancellor who more than once claimed that a run on sterling would be something he encouraged
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 26-09-2022 at 11:06 PM.

  7. #3817
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    Who said Labour was going to take us to a good place? A less shit place is more likely. The current direction of the thread relates to whether it would be worse with Corbyn. The thing is, it probably wouldn’t be worse - at least not economically. And I’m aware that had I said something like this ahead of the last election, it would’ve sounded comical. Yet here we fucking are.

    I didnt and don’t want to go off on this tangent but yeah, I think cancel culture is shit and I hate that I can’t speak openly about basic biological facts. Scientific fact that morons construe as hateful opinion. They can fuck off too.

    Whilst this government has done little to help the economy and at the moment seem to be trying to exacerbate things, the economic situation is largely a result of things outside our control. Despite the fixation of Remainers, Brexit has a rather peripheral role in it all as well

    And we are all entitled to an opinion, but if you can’t imagine how things would have been worse economically under Corbyn I can only conclude a basic lack of imagination on your part

  8. #3818
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    On other corner of the internet I am defending JK Rowling for her suggestion that while trans people exist and for some of them transition is the right thing, there are obvious dangers of letting anyone who randomly decides they're a women use women's restrooms. Any even vague deviation from the "correct" opinion now is drowned out in a sea of "OH YOU BIGOT! WHY ARE YOU SPREADING SUCH HATE?!!!1!".
    It's depressing how hard it is to have a grown up conversation these days.
    It’s intentional. First of all the philosophy teaches them that debate is the refuge of bigots…that’s so stupid as to be unintentionally ironic.

    Second of all the people that have pushed this from the top know what they are pushing is bollocks….but they know that the charge of bigotry and hate carries a huge emotional burden to those they point the finger at.

    The best thing to do is turn it back on them accuse them of hating black people or something and when they demand evidence point out that they were happy to make assertions without evidence so you were just copying them

  9. #3819
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    Who said Labour was going to take us to a good place? A less shit place is more likely. The current direction of the thread relates to whether it would be worse with Corbyn. The thing is, it probably wouldn’t be worse - at least not economically. And I’m aware that had I said something like this ahead of the last election, it would’ve sounded comical. Yet here we fucking are.

    I didnt and don’t want to go off on this tangent but yeah, I think cancel culture is shit and I hate that I can’t speak openly about basic biological facts. Scientific fact that morons construe as hateful opinion. They can fuck off too.
    It wouldn't have sounded comical, at all, to say that.

    It was portrayed as comical by the most united, concerted attack on a PM candidate that any of us can remember because the kinds of policies he would've pushed would have been at the expense of the people who had the power to control that "comical" agenda.

    People were, and are, just too fuckin retarded to actually think for themselves, unfortunately. Even without any insight into politics people should have been alarmed at the mobilization against Corbyn. Anyone heard parroting the "he's unelectable" trope should've been shot on sight for being the stupid, pathetic serf fud that they are.

  10. #3820
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    Quote Originally Posted by mandela8 View Post
    It wouldn't have sounded comical, at all, to say that.

    It was portrayed as comical by the most united, concerted attack on a PM candidate that any of us can remember because the kinds of policies he would've pushed would have been at the expense of the people who had the power to control that "comical" agenda.

    People were, and are, just too fuckin retarded to actually think for themselves, unfortunately. Even without any insight into politics people should have been alarmed at the mobilization against Corbyn. Anyone heard parroting the "he's unelectable" trope should've been shot on sight for being the stupid, pathetic serf fud that they are.
    Can you post more of this stuff

    I find it extremely comforting to have it confirmed to me what a complete moron you are

    I mean the other day you supported a terrorist attack so why wouldn’t you have supported Corbyn

    Apart from anything else the gall of someone who can barely put a sentence together accusing other people of being thick and getting their information from Wings over Scotland and presumably The National as well.

    Before telling people to think for themselves, you might want to try it first laddie

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