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Thread: Alex Song faces jail time

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    It's very wearying how keen people are to find ANY excuse to hammer Wenger, our players or the club in general right now.
    The end of last season was desperately disappointing but moaning all frickin' summer isn't going to help.

    Its getting really boring this constant stream of slagging off about everything Wenger or anyone does at Arsenal atm. And these ppl call themselves supporters?! Fuck off and support Spurs.

    Edit- and all these posts presuming Songs guilt before proof is silly too, PL footballers are always getting accused of stuff, like VP's rape allegation, Song wont be jailed most likely itsa just a bullshit story from a bullshit paper believed by idiots.

    However if he does end up doing porriage, feel free to quote this and make me eat humble pie.
    Last edited by Dog Toffee; 05-07-2011 at 12:48 PM.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog Toffee View Post

    feel free to quote this and make me eat humble pie.
    With some porriage?

    And it would be nice if the sarcastic comments and digs were a bit more original. It seems the internet warriors are as stale as the club.

  3. #33
    Member Power n Glory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog Toffee View Post

    Its getting really boring this constant stream of slagging off about everything Wenger or anyone does at Arsenal atm. And these ppl call themselves supporters?! Fuck off and support Spurs.

    Edit- and all these posts presuming Songs guilt before proof is silly too, PL footballers are always getting accused of stuff, like VP's rape allegation, Song wont be jailed most likely itsa just a bullshit story from a bullshit paper believed by idiots.

    However if he does end up doing porriage, feel free to quote this and make me eat humble pie.
    Ahh, the 'intelligent' type of fan Wenger was referring to.

    Yep, you lot should shut up and stop moaning. Patience is a sign of intelligence.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Yep, you lot should shut up and stop moaning. Patience is a sign of intelligence.
    We were all moaning about things which deserve to be moaned about like the ridiculous collapse at the end of last season.
    People are just plain making up stuff to moan about now and that what is wearying.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    We were all moaning about things which deserve to be moaned about like the ridiculous collapse at the end of last season.
    People are just plain making up stuff to moan about now and that what is wearying.
    It is and they all should bugger off and support Spurs. How dare they carry on like this. We need 'real' supporters at our club. Intelligent supporters.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Power_n_Glory View Post
    Ahh, the 'intelligent' type of fan Wenger was referring to.

    Yep, you lot should shut up and stop moaning. Patience is a sign of intelligence.
    Bit ironic you moaning at my 'moaning'.
    I'm not a doom n gloomer, I'm a proud member of the Mindless Optimism Clique, and also an Arsenal 'supporter'.
    Has Song been found guilty? Is there any evidence yet? Has he even been to court? No. So ppl should wait before saying stupid stuff like 'Bye'. 'He'l be like a new signing when he gets out'.

    And who was the manager that found Song for fuck all money and turned him into one of our most consistently great performers? (IMO)

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog Toffee View Post
    Bit ironic you moaning at my 'moaning'.
    I'm not a doom n gloomer, I'm a proud member of the Mindless Optimism Clique, and also an Arsenal 'supporter'.
    Has Song been found guilty? Is there any evidence yet? Has he even been to court? No. So ppl should wait before saying stupid stuff like 'Bye'. 'He'l be like a new signing when he gets out'.

    And who was the manager that found Song for fuck all money and turned him into one of our most consistently great performers? (IMO)
    You can't tell the difference between moaning and taking the piss? Maybe Wenger was wrong. But any who....knock yourself out.

  8. #38
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Wenger deserves to slagged off because he is a French cunt.

  9. #39
    Wibble Coney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Master Splinter View Post
    With some porriage?

    And it would be nice if the sarcastic comments and digs were a bit more original. It seems the internet warriors are as stale as the club.
    That's easy for you to say, you great fairy.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters (TPFKA WWTL@WHL) View Post
    We were all moaning about things which deserve to be moaned about like the ridiculous collapse at the end of last season.
    People are just plain making up stuff to moan about now and that what is wearying.
    Whilst I agree that reading some of the constantly negative posts is very tiresome, I think a lot of Arsenal fans (myself included) have serious concerns about the direction the club is heading.

    Admittedly throughout the summer a lot of the negativity is based on "what ifs" (if Nasri goes, if we don't replace Cesc, etc) but then in saying that surely a lot of the positivity is also based on "what ifs" (if we buy a centre back, if we work on defensive organisation, etc)?

    Personally I've always been on the positive side, but at such a cristical time for the club, I've seen nothing to suggest we're moving forward.

    Not really sure what my point is! But I guess I'm just trying to say that whilst the pointless digs at at Wenger and everything Arsenal related are boring and unnecessary, surely all Arsenal fans can agree that there is real cause for concern about the current situation the club is in?

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