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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4101
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    A lot of the polling at the time suggested Remain would win
    Which was exactly my point, some people were lulled into a false sense of security and so didn't vote

    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    Plus the referendum would be being held under different parameters. The status quo position would be to stay out, where as the other option would be to rejoin.
    Well the majority of people who voted didn't vote for the status quo last time did they...?

    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    Given the amount of toxicity generated as a result of the last referendum, a) i think no politician is going to hold one on the topic b) I think people will vote to remain out. I wouldn’t vote to rejoin, one because I don’t think we’d get an exemption from being corralled into the single currency and I also don’t think the EU is a stable organisation…Covid and the movement of individual states towards right wing authoritarianism means we should give them a wide berth.
    your point a) is valid, we will have to wait until more old Little Englanders have died before it's safe

    your point b) isn't so valid - having a larger bloc of countries acting together helps to protect us against extremist governments and nationalist divisions, it's one of the key reasons why the EU makes sense adn why the right hate it, because it stops them from doing all the damage they want to

  2. #4102
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I don't particularly think we should have another referendum about it right now. It caused enough toxicity last time. But I do think Remain would win. A lot of people voted Leave because of the lying bus or other nonsense about the "sunlit uplands". Now they've seen the reality I'm not sure they'd be duped again.

    I never understood the nonsense though that a one of snapshot of public opinion - which as that graph shows, changes over time - is a good basis for a policy which has consequences across generations, especially when the result was so close. I even heard people say that a second referendum would be "undemocratic" . How the piss is a vote undemocratic? The argument was "you can't keep doing votes tell you get the answer you like", but why can't you have votes if there's indication that public mood has shifted? That's why we have regular general elections, so we can kick the government out if the mood turns against them. We don't vote in a government and then that's it for the next few decades because another vote would be "undemocratic".

  3. #4103
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I don't particularly think we should have another referendum about it right now. It caused enough toxicity last time. But I do think Remain would win. A lot of people voted Leave because of the lying bus or other nonsense about the "sunlit uplands". Now they've seen the reality I'm not sure they'd be duped again.

    I never understood the nonsense though that a one of snapshot of public opinion - which as that graph shows, changes over time - is a good basis for a policy which has consequences across generations, especially when the result was so close. I even heard people say that a second referendum would be "undemocratic" . How the piss is a vote undemocratic? The argument was "you can't keep doing votes tell you get the answer you like", but why can't you have votes if there's indication that public mood has shifted? That's why we have regular general elections, so we can kick the government out if the mood turns against them. We don't vote in a government and then that's it for the next few decades because another vote would be "undemocratic".
    sadly i agree with your first sentence but also agree with the rest

  4. #4104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I don't particularly think we should have another referendum about it right now. It caused enough toxicity last time. But I do think Remain would win. A lot of people voted Leave because of the lying bus or other nonsense about the "sunlit uplands". Now they've seen the reality I'm not sure they'd be duped again.

    I never understood the nonsense though that a one of snapshot of public opinion - which as that graph shows, changes over time - is a good basis for a policy which has consequences across generations, especially when the result was so close. I even heard people say that a second referendum would be "undemocratic" . How the piss is a vote undemocratic? The argument was "you can't keep doing votes tell you get the answer you like", but why can't you have votes if there's indication that public mood has shifted? That's why we have regular general elections, so we can kick the government out if the mood turns against them. We don't vote in a government and then that's it for the next few decades because another vote would be "undemocratic".
    Certainly before Brexit was implemented it would have been totally undemocratic to hold another referendum, it absolutely fed into the mentality of the elite saying “sorry plebs you’ve made the wrong decision try again please”.

    As I said the other day, there are two reasons the vote favoured leave. One because British people don’t see themselves as European, and we aren’t really our manner, our culture and our temperament is much more akin to the Anglosphere (for obvious reasons) and the other is the finger wagging you’d be stupid or just racist to vote for Brexit without actually trying to engage with why people actually might want to vote for it.

  5. #4105
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Certainly before Brexit was implemented it would have been totally undemocratic to hold another referendum.
    I disagree because it took so long for Brexit to actually happen.
    When we have a general election the new government are in power the next day.
    With Brexit it was years before anything happened, enough time for the national mood to have credibly changed. When a deal with the EU was on the table it would surely have been reasonable to have a referendum to check if that's what people wanted - given that what Brexit looked like was undefined at the time of the first vote.

  6. #4106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I disagree because it took so long for Brexit to actually happen.
    When we have a general election the new government are in power the next day.
    With Brexit it was years before anything happened, enough time for the national mood to have credibly changed. When a deal with the EU was on the table it would surely have been reasonable to have a referendum to check if that's what people wanted - given that what Brexit looked like was undefined at the time of the first vote.
    That’s more an argument for a second referendum on the basis of what shape Brexit would take. What you’re suggesting sounds more like a Labour government staying in power for three and a half years after an election where they’d been voted out and holding another election when they could be sure that enough pensioners had died to be kept in office

    The irony is the form of Brexit we have is far harder than anything promised by vote leave or

    The nearest thing we had was an election that was a de facto referendum on Johnson’s deal.

  7. #4107
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    You guys are absolutely committed to ignoring why people voted for Brexit, aren't you? You simply refuse to accept that the majority of people who voted leave did so because they don't want to be dictated to by a bunch of lobby whipped wankers in Brussels. We already have our own unrepresentative, undemocratic wankers right here at home. So why do we need another layer of cunts on top?

    And you can argue all you want about whatever it is the BBC has told you to think. But Mercedes Benz and BAE pay ABSOLUTELY ZERO attention to the EU or their respective parliaments when it comes to setting the actual policy that governs our societies.

    EU this, EU that. The EU is just a stepping stone on the way to the pay day. You just saw the WHO assigning themselves insanely undemocratic powers which will be waived through by the so-called independent parliaments and the EU alike. Maybe you even saw 25 nations engaged in combined air exercises in Europe, including the UK. The global government and their global army.

    It's getting silly now. It's so blatant and in your face yet you are all still wondering when you can next vote on something that has zero meaning.

    I mean, did you guys actually vote? Why? What did you think would happen once you cast that vote? Did you think somebody would waltz up and start representing you?

    What has happened in your lives to make you that naive?
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  8. #4108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    it's common knowledge that a significant amount of people were complacent and didnt vote despite wanting to remain

    As for whether we've left or not, dear oh dear, you really are reverting back to talking full on 100% rubbish - of course we have, in case you haven't noticed it's costing our economy billions and everyone has to use visas to get into and out of mainland Europe - of course you never leave your armchair so you wouldn't know

    and what's wrong with being anti-racist?
    Well I guess you won then. Well done.

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  9. #4109
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Anti-racists are rapidly becoming the most racist creatures that have ever existed. Their whole miserable existences orbit the colour of peoples skin. They are the ultimate, purest racists imaginable. There is nothing else to them, except the string of 'isms by which they define their pointless existence. Racism - sexism - faggotism - trannyism - fatcuntism - you name it, they are here to bang home every last issue that people never thought about in the first place. Without the anti-racists there would hardly be any racism at all. Well done to them for keeping it alive and centre.
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  10. #4110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    Which was exactly my point, some people were lulled into a false sense of security and so didn't vote

    Well the majority of people who voted didn't vote for the status quo last time did they...?

    your point a) is valid, we will have to wait until more old Little Englanders have died before it's safe

    your point b) isn't so valid - having a larger bloc of countries acting together helps to protect us against extremist governments and nationalist divisions, it's one of the key reasons why the EU makes sense adn why the right hate it, because it stops them from doing all the damage they want to

    How you think it should work in principle and how it actually works is two different things I’m afraid

    The EU has at every turn either embraced or turned a blind eye to authoritarianism. The centre right EPP bloc which is largely the one in control took years to stop Fidesz the Hungarian party from being part of its group in the European Parliament, why? Because the Germans didn’t want its business interests in Hungary to be affected even though Hungary is no longer a functioning democracy.
    The same Germany which has overt influence on the EU and has prostituted itself to Russia for years for cheap energy, and that’s even before you get to the fellating of China.
    Now you will obviously say don’t the right wing leavers love Orban?, did we not bring every Russian oligarch under the Sun under our patronage….haven’t we until lately enjoyed a particularly cosy relationship with China?

    Yes is the answer to that, but I’m merely stating that the EU is not a bulwark against such things….nor far right tendencies. In Spain currently the polls show that the next government will be made up of a coalition of centre right/far right…that is already the case in Finland and Italy, In Germany the AFD has pushed the SPD into third place and in France either Le Pen or someone connected with her will most likely succeed Macron as the next French president.
    For all this talk about little englanders, these have all come about as a result of growing nationalist sentiment in all these countries. So looking at England as this outlier, this rainy Fascist island as many disaffected liberals are prone to do actually betrays a deep ignorance for what’s going on, on the continent

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