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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4301
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    Labour hypocrisy. Azar Ali given the green light to continue as a candidate despite voicing a conspiracy theory about Israel to placate the Jew baiting Muslims in Rochdale.

    Labour has enough of a poll lead and the perfect platform to get to grips with this nest of vipers by allowing that pork pie hatted piece of shit Galloway take the seat, and identify that there is a problem with adherence to Islamism in Muslim communities…that a disgusting carpet bagger like that can stir up division in communities that don’t share western values.

    What Labour has chosen to do is undermine everything it’s sought to do to persuade the electorate that it doesn’t support these views. And when you have people like Louise Elman sticking up for this guy….gives the left legitimate grievance that this “it’s all a scam” narrative has some legitimacy. It doesn’t of course, Antisemitism is a big problem on the left but it’s clearly been used as a stick to fight a war on over ideology.

  2. #4302
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    they haven't given him the 'green light', according to electoral procedure it's too late to remove him as a candidate, if it wasn't i have no doubt they would have


  3. #4303
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    they haven't given him the 'green light', according to electoral procedure it's too late to remove him as a candidate, if it wasn't i have no doubt they would have

    It’s too late to replace him as a candidate is an excuse. They don’t have to replace him, they can just fail to endorse him. They can even drop him as the Labour candidate and withdraw from the election. And if they cared about making the point that they cared about Antisemitism thats what they would do. If Galloway won so what?…it’s a by election it will return to Labour at a general election and they won’t be saddled with a rancid MP.

    This is nothing but a naked surrender to a racist and conspiratorial community. It’s the peril of the liberal left, that they tacitly accept the racism they pretend to abhor by tolerating the intolerant

  4. #4304
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    they haven't given him the 'green light', according to electoral procedure it's too late to remove him as a candidate, if it wasn't i have no doubt they would have

    You are right that its too late to remove him from the ballot but Labour can make it clear that he will not have the whip if elected, a new candidate will be selected for the election later this year and he’ll have his membership to party suspended. Effectively making him run as an independent until labour can select a new candidate.

    Instead this morning shadow cabinet minister Nick Thomas Symonds said on LBC that he is the labour candidate and labour will continue campaigning for him. Given Starmer suspended Kate Osamor & Andy McDonald over anti semitism claims, it just looks weak not to here.

    And labour have recently suspended a candidate just a week from a by election (granted it was a local one not Westminster one) so it can be done
    Last edited by Ollie the Optimist; 12-02-2024 at 12:59 PM.

  5. #4305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    You are right that its too late to remove him from the ballot but Labour can make it clear that he will not have the whip if elected, a new candidate will be selected for the election later this year and he’ll have his membership to party suspended. Effectively making him run as an independent until labour can select a new candidate.

    Instead this morning shadow cabinet minister Nick Thomas Symonds said on LBC that he is the labour candidate and labour will continue campaigning for him. Given Starmer suspended Kate Osamor & Andy McDonald over anti semitism claims, it just looks weak not to here.

    And labour have recently suspended a candidate just a week from a by election (granted it was a local one not Westminster one) so it can be done
    They can’t remove him from the ballot but they can strip him of the party’s endorsement. To be honest i think him even winning the by-election would be a disaster for Labour. The joke is there’s really nothing to gain for them in trying to reconcile with the Islamist community over Gaza. They supported the Gazan military operation because it was the right thing to do, doesn’t matter that Netanyahu is a cunt…the idea that Hamas could do what it did and be allowed to carry on operating is a sick joke…and no other western country would be expected to put up with such an outrage.

    If people can’t see that in isolation and it doesn’t mean having to support the occupation in the West Bank, the Ultrazionists or the Anti Arab racism in Israel that’s on them. Just because kefir wearing cunts can’t bring themselves to denounce Hamas or call for the release of Israeli hostages because of their all in mentality and their student politics hatred for Israel.

    Starmer lacks a spine, he has no sense of coming from a place of conviction either. He backed Corbyn a leader who should have forever ended Labour as a political force in this country…despite clearly having no like or support of him. He made a load of promises to a crazed Labour membership that still couldn’t understand why Labour had lost in 2019 and he went back on all the promises he made there. Now on one hand I’m glad he did, they were terrible pledges unbecoming of anyone who should be prime minister.

    But the left had a point, if he can lie to us so easily what’s to stop him lying to you. And he has done, he still tries to triangulate over trans issues….he has folded in the face of intimidation over Gaza and he often comes across as completely disingenuous. The only defence of him realistically is look how bad the Tories are, and that’s a low bar to get over.

  6. #4306
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    There’s simply no choice now he’s on the ballot but to just try and pull the wool over peoples eyes

  7. #4307
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post

    This is nothing but a naked surrender to a racist and conspiratorial community. It’s the peril of the liberal left, that they tacitly accept the racism they pretend to abhor by tolerating the intolerant
    This is a bit over the top, if one tries to be objective about it, you can't prove his assertions aren't right, can you? maybe that was what Netanyahu did? I've definitely seen reports previously that there were warnings about the attacks which were ignored - whether that was complacency, incompetence or deliberate can't be proven.

    So that puts his comments in the bracket of, at most, unhelpful speculation rather than racist etc - and only unhelpful because people like you start jumping up and down and getting hysterical becasue the right-wing press put it on the front page (although only, conveniently, after he can't be dropped)

    The whole argument over Gaza is firmly stuck in the mess that happens when people interpret one thing as another

    it is not racist or anti-Semitic to say that the Israeli state - not its people but the state - is going too far in Gaza yet that's what any critics are constantly accused of, despite the fact that there will be plenty of Israeli nationals who won't be comfortable with what's going on

  8. #4308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    This is a bit over the top, if one tries to be objective about it, you can't prove his assertions aren't right, can you? maybe that was what Netanyahu did? I've definitely seen reports previously that there were warnings about the attacks which were ignored - whether that was complacency, incompetence or deliberate can't be proven.

    So that puts his comments in the bracket of, at most, unhelpful speculation rather than racist etc - and only unhelpful because people like you start jumping up and down and getting hysterical becasue the right-wing press put it on the front page (although only, conveniently, after he can't be dropped)

    The whole argument over Gaza is firmly stuck in the mess that happens when people interpret one thing as another

    it is not racist or anti-Semitic to say that the Israeli state - not its people but the state - is going too far in Gaza yet that's what any critics are constantly accused of, despite the fact that there will be plenty of Israeli nationals who won't be comfortable with what's going on
    I don’t think you understand how burden of proof works, if you make such a claim you have to provide evidence of its factuality I don’t have to prove it’s not true. Anymore than I have to prove 9/11 was an inside job which is exactly the realm in which conspiracy theories like this operate.
    Israel like the US got caught with its trousers down…failure of imagination, complacency call it what you will. But you’d have to believe that Israel has a blood lust for Arab deaths that ignores any sense of political or strategic value. And that is a belief of bad faith. Rooted in Antisemitism, that there is something inordinately wicked about a country that remains the only majority Jewish country in the world.
    It shows ignorance for the situation. Likuld governs on the understanding that it keeps the Israeli people safe, since October 7th Netanyahu’s polling has been through the floor (and rightly so) secondly occupying forces are expensive this was the reason the Kadima government pulled out of Gaza in 2005…now Netanyahu was upset by this because he is a far right extremist who would never countenance a two state solution. But he also has had plenty of opportunity to retake Gaza without thousands of citizens dying and it’s just never been worth it.

    Firstly find me a reasonable critic, someone who isn’t screaming about Genocide (the same people who ignore genocide when it’s committed in Srebrenica or Xinjang). There is no reasonable reason to be against this conflict that isn’t borne out of ignorance or bad intent. If you understand anything about war in civilian populated areas you would understand that it unfortunately does involve high civilian casualties….just like it did when we fought ISIS in Syria and Iraq. I think it’s massively hypocritical to turn our heads and say it’s not our responsibility when Assad bombs places like Homs into desolation…and a conflict that in its 75 year history has not produced the same casualties that were produced in five years of the Iraq war is suddenly the worst thing ever.
    Israel ironically given that the left almost unilaterally sponsored its creation has become a symbol of hatred for the left, to the exclusion of almost everything else. And it’s undeniable that this is due partly to a complete serious lack of understanding of the history of the region, partly because Israel although founded by Jewish socialists has now become a thriving capitalist economy and partly due to antisemitism…it’s not pro Muslim…as I’ve said Muslims have largely been told they can go to hell by the left when it comes to Iraq, Syria, The Balkans, Russia and China.

    We don’t excuse people who buy into Q anon conspiracies, or anti vax nonsense so why do we excuse ignorant conspiracies often embraced by the Islamic community …the type people like Corbyn and Galloway perpetuate that Israel is a completely clandestine state which uses its shadowy influence in the region. The second thing is we know who the perpetrators of October 7th were, Iran who fund Hamas and its benefactors living in Qatar.
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 12-02-2024 at 06:21 PM.

  9. #4309
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    Also if you understand the history of Israel from the reaction to the Munich murders, the six day war, the Yom Kippur war etc you will understand that there’s nothing particularly out of the ordinary about its reaction to what was the biggest slaughter of Jews in one day since the Holocaust.

    Therefore you are tacitly condemning Israel as an entity for its actions. Now whilst you are hiding behind that accusation by blaming Netanyahu. Many pro Palestinians are not so cautious in their rhetoric, blaming Zionism (which is nothing apart from the belief that a Jewish state should exist in the Levant..and historically guaranteed by the Balfour declaration and the UN)

    Many of the areas regarded as Palestine now were historically Egypt or Jordan. And the area in question was largely a British protectorate and never a place in its own right prior to 1948.

    Now I think there was good reason to question the formation of Israel back then, it did dispossess a lot of people unfairly…yes there was an exodus to Israel from Europe as a result of not just the Holocaust but the pogroms all over Europe but many Jews such as the Sephardic etc came from North Africa or in the case of the original Jews many areas of the Middle East from Baghdad to Damascus.

    However 75 years later Israel is a thriving country, whilst Palestine is either controlled by dictators or Jihadists who have made false promises and led its people down the garden path with the intifadas and now a group that wishes to establish an Islamic state. That’s another thing to remember the perpetrators of October 7th weren’t committing an act of resistance they were killing non Muslims because they believe they deserve to die for their heresy. So this is more than a land dispute this is a battle against an evil ideology that regards the lives of its own people as useful only to give succour to bleeding hearts over here. If it cared about them it wouldn’t dig up water pipes to use as rocket projectiles, divert food and medicine aid to be sold to enrich their leaders. The fact that they are supported in this endeavour by UNRWA shows you how the UN is a completely contemptible institution.

    But then again we knew that already after what it allowed to happen in Rwanda and Srebrenica.

    Gaza receives billion of dollars of Aid from countries all over the world, which has never been used towards creating infrastructure, education, health….the fact is it’s propped up by Israel.

    Jihadism is a cult of death, it considers this life to be little more than a waiting area prior to paradise. Not only that but it beliefs it has a moral duty to send unbelievers to hell (especially Jews and homosexuals). This is the revolting nonsense inculcated in people to become martyrs, soldiers of Allah….whilst the corrupt potentates above them feast on the spoils

  10. #4310
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    Labour has now withdraw support for Ali in Rochdale

    So it’s fair to say Mac that the party don’t agree with you that it’s a legitimate opinion
    Last edited by HCZ_Reborn; 12-02-2024 at 08:40 PM.

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