The thing is you’re not. You tick every conceivable tribal box. Maybe it’s just a coincidence like how it’s obviously a coincidence that NQ just happens to peddle every bread and butter conspiracy theory that’s doing the rounds on social media.
I’m sure there are marginal differences, but you pretend to be virtuous by taking offence to my off colour remarks. You take the orthodox view on Israel/palestine which doesn’t make you a Corbyn fan but it does leave you open to the charge of being one of the soft left who tolerated and defended these positions.
From my perspective the only area you are different from the crowd is that you accept that the trans stuff is nonsense. But equally I think most of the left already know this.
I’m not pretending I’m not biased…..I think Muslim extremism is more dangerous than far right extremism (because it is far right extremism, but far right extremism given licence by institutions in this country for cultural sensitivity). Christopher Hitchens was clear that all religions are poisonous but they aren’t equally so. During the Second World War it was the Catholic Church and their embracing Nazism…now it’s the Wahhabist Islam that tolerates no criticism or dissent. And Islamaphobia is a tellling term because it identifies criticism of the faith as a form of bigotry.
I am ambivalent on Brexit, I didn’t vote for it…..but it’s done with now….and there’s no sense in pretending the EU and its constituent states are an Elysian paradise.
I don’t know whether you actually hold to the ideology of Anti Racism, or whether you misspoke and you meant just not being Racist.
The way I look at it, for the left every conceivable criticism of their excesses comes from cynical critics
For the right, they are massive hypocrites who give life to the term if you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail. Yet they make excuses for an actual lunatic who has no respect for the rule of law using their own brand of whataboutery