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Thread: The Wish They Were All Dead Tory Cunt Thread

  1. #4731
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Eh NO. Why is tour brain so dysfunctional? And your boyfriend's too?

    If you don't want the jails filling up because you have a billion laws, get rid of the fucking laws. People are in jail for smoking a plant that grows naturally (without authoritarian approval). Who the fuck gave some cunt such "authority"? Oh yeah - you! YOU caused the problem. Now you make a joke of your stupidity and subservience.

    Jail should be for people who are a clear threat to the people around them. You incarcerate to prevent harm, not to punish. The punishment thing NEVER works and there's a ton of evidence spanning decades to support this. Jail. Behind bars. Preventative. NOT rehabilitative. Environment is just as important as genes. They work together. Put a decent person in a terrible situation and it takes about 5 minutes for him to become a terrible person.

    There's no THOUGHT behind any of this. It's all designed to make snowflakes feel happy and afraid at the same time. Wow, if you don't do what you are told you'll go to jail. There's where it goes wrong. The biggest criminals of all make criminals out of people who just tried to live free.

    Cut 99% of the laws from the books and you solve the prison problem.
    There's a surprising lot of sense here, though I think we need to keep more than 1% of the laws

  2. #4732
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    There's a surprising lot of sense here, though I think we need to keep more than 1% of the laws
    The joke was he was trying to cudgel me with this post when I actually agreed with a lot of what he was saying

    Im of the opinion and have been for a while that prison has very little in the way of rehabilitation purpose and actually less than is desirable in terms of punishment. And that it’s primary function should be to protect society from the most violent and dangerous amongst us.

    And that perhaps if we found alternative punishments for tea leafs, vandals etc (such as restorative justice) we’d have more space to apply proper sentences to murderers, rapists, child abusers etc

  3. #4733
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    And ASB

  4. #4734
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Tbh I'd completely missed NQ's latest missive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Eh NO. Why is tour brain so dysfunctional? And your boyfriend's too?
    Says the man who spells "your" with a 't'. Dude, you're going to have to do better than "lol, ur thick".
    From your posts you're not exactly Brain of Britain, dude. You're not stupid and you're clearly very knowledgeable, but your worldview is so wrong-headed you repeatedly make wild illogical jumps and get things wrong. We've been through the examples too many times for me to bother repeating again. Your failure to acknowledge you got things wrong or consider why means you don't learn anything.

    If you don't want the jails filling up because you have a billion laws, get rid of the fucking laws
    Well, I'd agree that we do have too many laws. Obviously there need to be some to govern a society, and the more complex a society the more there need to be. But I'd vaguely agree there are too many.

    People are in jail for smoking a plant that grows naturally (without authoritarian approval).
    No they aren't. Who goes to jail for that? I mean, maybe you could pull one or two cases out as examples but I'd suggest that's vanishingly rare.

    Who the fuck gave some cunt such "authority"? Oh yeah - you! YOU caused the problem.
    We've been through this a bunch of times too. Societies need rules to functions. A government is generally agreed to be the best - or least bad, I guess - way of doing that. You might not recognise anyone's right to have authority over you, in practice it's necessary unless you want to go and live on a desert island where your actions don't affect anyone else.

    Now you make a joke of your stupidity and subservience.
    And you strut around claiming your intellectual superiority - while demonstrably getting lots of things wrong and failing to acknowledge that, say, the army never arrived on the streets. So maybe, just maybe, they weren't wearing uniform in Birmingham to get us used to their presence. And this is your issue. Your distrust of authority runs so deep you cannot help seen ulterior and sinister motives everywhere you look. Your failure to recognise and learn from your mistakes in this area is baffling.
    As for subservience. Yes, I buy into the societal contract. You do too of course, you just pretend you don't because you pretend to yourself that you're this libertarian free-thinker. You may be the first of those in principle, but not in practice. You are certainly not the latter.

    Jail should be for people who are a clear threat to the people around them.
    I have no issue with that or with most of the rest of your post.

  5. #4735
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    Farage is a wanker.
    I know that isn't news.
    He's doing the whole wide eyed innocent "I was just asking questions..." thing, completely absolving himself of any blame for stirring up all this shit.

  6. #4736
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Farage is a wanker.
    I know that isn't news.
    He's doing the whole wide eyed innocent "I was just asking questions..." thing, completely absolving himself of any blame for stirring up all this shit.
    I’m a big fan of individual responsibility. Even some of the people who somehow think it’s a good idea to expose the depth of their ignorance and stupidity to smug presenters on talk radio…on the surface it may appear like they need an adult carer. But they are also capable of making their own tin brained decisions.

    Farage is an irresponsible gobshite but so what? Just one amongst many all over the political spectrum. Maybe the media shouldn’t give him as much coverage as they do. But the fact is, he’s a naturally gifted speaker and politics is the art of salesmanship.

    Plus Farage is one amongst hundreds of people who kept pushing the button on this being an immigrant who was under the watch of security services and then doubled down when it all turned out to be bollocks. The rationale gone but the narrative remains.

    It’s easier and less intangible to blame one person, as a lot of people seem to want to do. But the fact is, both on social media and on the streets it’s been a collective madness

  7. #4737
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    Quote Originally Posted by HCZ_Reborn View Post
    Farage is an irresponsible gobshite but so what?
    So he sows the seeds of racism and division which can boil over as they have this week. No, he's not the only one but he's one of the ones with the loudest voice and the biggest sphere of influence. He's an MP now and influential and that gives him a responsibility.

    Does that absolve the thugs of responsibility? No, obviously not. But there's no doubt that his words influence people. When he starts speculating about whether this kid was an immigrant or on a security watchlist then it incites and encourages a certain demographic. Fuck him.

  8. #4738
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    So he sows the seeds of racism and division which can boil over as they have this week. No, he's not the only one but he's one of the ones with the loudest voice and the biggest sphere of influence. He's an MP now and influential and that gives him a responsibility.

    Does that absolve the thugs of responsibility? No, obviously not. But there's no doubt that his words influence people. When he starts speculating about whether this kid was an immigrant or on a security watchlist then it incites and encourages a certain demographic. Fuck him.
    I am only talking about whether he should be held liable in any criminal way.

    I don’t (and No im Not saying you do)

  9. #4739
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    He’s been very clear that he doesn’t condone violence.
    But he has also spent years sowing the seeds of division and racism.
    He’s not the worst but he’s probably the one with the biggest audience.
    So acting all innocent when it all boils over - when he’s been stoking the fire for years - is pretty galling

  10. #4740
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    He’s been very clear that he doesn’t condone violence.
    But he has also spent years sowing the seeds of division and racism.
    He’s not the worst but he’s probably the one with the biggest audience.
    So acting all innocent when it all boils over - when he’s been stoking the fire for years - is pretty galling
    Maybe I’m desensitised but I don’t really give a fuck what he says most of the time

    Maybe it’s the non believer in me, but I find devout believers in their cause far more threatening than shoddy grifters

    Though of course you can be both a devout believer and a grifter, that’s how you account for someone like Anjem Choudhury

    The bigger and more important fact that resonates is that people like Farage can only gain a foothold when people feel dissatisfied, disillusioned call it what you will. Quite possibly many of them don’t feel disillusioned because of immigration, it’s just a convenient thing to point your finger at when you know things aren’t right and you don’t know why.

    Hitler wouldn’t have been able to succeed in getting to power without The Great Depression (not comparing Farage with Hitler, that really would be lazy). There are no easy answers despite what Reform claim, but a lot of people are unhappy with good cause…their community has been hollowed out, they can find work but not well paid work, they can’t get a doctors appointment, they can’t get a carer to come in and spend more than ten minutes a day with their elderly ailing parent. They might have first hand experience of the negative consequences of immigration, young Muslim thugs reported in the news in Birmingham intimidating people and threatening violence….maybe that’s a common occurrence for them.

    Farage is feeding off a society plagued by economic inequality (there’s no coincidence that most of these riots are happening in the north), politicians who often seem remote and disconnected from their concerns and a growing sense of hopelessness

    Im not using that to excuse or justify the riots and criminality, as I say no justification for that, im more thinking about the people who in general Farage resonates with and who might have voted Reform

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