That would be the reflection thing again, yes?
I challenge you to name one belief I have to the right of Atilla the Hun that I have expressed on this forum. Go on. Money where mouth is.
If you mean I've called people like you out for adding your support to what is self-evidently fucked up and evil - well damn right I have. Cutting kids dicks off? Teaching kids that buggery is normal? Terminating live births? Rolling out untested drugs on the whole planet. Locking people up in their own homes?
You may not directly support these things on a one-to-one basis, but when you whore for the ring-leaders who will bring all these things to reality then you are willingly culpable.
But, of course, it's about me.
I'm the guy who said live and let live but don't dare step into my space or you get fucked up in every way imaginable. I'm the guy who said I'll do what I want, when I want, however often I want - provided I don't hurt you (as in actually hurt, as opposed to offending your fee-fees).
You're the guy who cheered for a fucker that stands for the very opposite of that.
Now, it seems, you want to lay that failing at my door?
Doesn't wash, does it?