Life is full of winners and losers in the west. 99% of winners win because they are prepared to do what it takes to win. 99% of losers lose because they choose to. There's nothing insurmountable holding back anyone who wants to succeed. But life is not supposed to be free and easy, that's not the way the world works or has ever worked. When you have a mentality that makes you a loser right out of the gate, such as these minority groups who assume victim status, or these comfortable know-nothings (who abuse the benefits of their parent's efforts to condemn their parents), you'll lose big.
Society is about how the winners treat the losers. We could do much to make that process better, yet the west still comfortably leads the rest of the world on that measure. Welfare systems, voluntary systems, safety nets that simply don't exist across vast swathes of the planet. Losers are treated well in the west.
What we have now is these losers, who wouldn't put in the effort, making demands not just for "equality" but actual preference. They want your money, they want your job, they want what you worked for and they wouldn't. They feel because they have been losers all their lives the compensation for their failure should be all the greater. This is a totally unreasonable set of demands and should be rejected out of hand. It's fine to help a loser, but there's no reason to ever apologise to them. Certainly you should never be guilty about your own efforts, just because others failed to emulate you.
If losers want to change their lot, stop demanding others do it for you and get on with doing it yourself. It's a free world full of opportunity, provided the losers don't seize control, of course. Why would anyone think putting losers in control would be a recipe for anything other than disaster?