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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #5191
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    There have been 37 cases of supposed blood clotting out of around 17 million AZ vaccinations. The rate of these are lower then expected in general population in normal times.

    The contraceptive pill has a clotting risk of 1 in 1400 people. We havent called for that to be banned. 300 people a year in the UK suffer from DVT after flying, we havent decided to ban all flying either.

    The risk of clotting is minimal but the risk of a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people is far greater. I know you don’t believe in this virus and think its the biggest hoax going but it is real. You have presented no evidence when repeatedly asked why excess deaths around teh world are so high if not for this virus.

    I know people who have had Covid, some were fine but one member of my family is still suffering 6 months later. Her taste hasn’t come back and still suffers shortness of breath on walks.

    YOu also mention how big money is driving this. It isn’t, well in the case of AZ it isn’t, they have agreed to sell it at cost in perpetuity so no one makes money there.
    You see that cunt above, posting out about his mainstream approved "data"? Of course cunts and cunts like him have every answer on tap - copy/paste. The marketing people inform the "news" people who inform the gaping public. Now everyone is informed. right? And the repeater cunts suck on it and regurgitate, completing the demonic circle. So "news" becomes truth. And Saddam had WMD, Saville wasn't a child fucker and so on. There's your mainstream and the cunts who propagate it.

    That's ONE way to go. But not a wonderful way. It's a sad and sick and horrific way, that charges a toll on victims at a rate of 10-1 so the beneficiaries can live their privileged lives. They even go to church and praise their sick and perverted version of God, even though God would strike them dead instantly had free choice not been applied as an optional extra.


    You can fall back on your own brain, your credulity and your common sense.

    You are now arguing the END GAME - having ignored the entire game that went before. Which is not unexpected because most people REACT after the event, rather than predict and prepare.

    I keep telling you the details. It doesn't register though. So far. But sooner or (hopefully not) later, it will.

    You can talk about vaccines and side-effects and competitive dirty tricks (without seeing how that undermines your whole argument) until you are blue in the face. But if the vaccines aren't even required, aren't tested, aren't legal and are a crime against humanity - shouldn't we be covering that first so we can add some context to even a single person dying?

    Or do we skip that, take what cunts like the habitually discredited Neil Ferguson say seriously and just drive on into the fantasy so that fantasy is all we have left, well then you can reach any conclusion you want to.

    The way you say I don't "believe in this virus" is terrifying. Stop listening to me now and go back and read your own words. Step back and read them as if you were detached, if you can.

    Or listen to the resident cunt who never found an authoritarian he could shill for.

    It's up to you for the time being. But soon that won't be the case, as things stand.

    It's ONE YEAR into the 2 weeks to flatten the curve Ollie. And the cunts haven't done ONE THING to improve the NHS in that time - the same HNS we are supposed to be saving. Doesn't that sow even one seed of doubt?

    And if not, why the fuck not?

    If I tried to sell you a bridge, would you just buy it?
    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #5192
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Look at the liar say HE doesn't know of any medical professionals who have refused to take the vaccine. See how it's done. HE doesn't know - therefore extrapolate to the deceitful "fact" he wants to sow.

    Plenty of medical professionals have refused to take the illegal vaccine, all over the world. Which is why here in the UK there is a state sponsored (paid by you) campaign to threaten and shame anyone who won't go along with the bullshit.

    Go out and look with your own eyes, hear with your own ears. Don't listen to me and especially don't listen to the resident shill. Just go out and discover the reality for yourselves.

    Useful tip: You WON'T need the BBC in any capacity if you are seeking facts. And you won't need the other MIC controlled propaganda outlet which I believe the shill actually "works" for. Both were just highlighted in a report that boasted about the "soft power" propaganda effort used to sell the agenda of the 0.1%. Well done them. Fewer rich (but ultra rich), more poor, plenty dead. Well done indeed. Pure evil and they are proud of it.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  3. #5193
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    A comment from a BBC upload they forgot to lock down.

    I am sick and tired of tripping over bodies in the streets. If only this pandemic was 99.8% survivable.
    Eyes and ears people.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #5194
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    You see that cunt above, posting out about his mainstream approved "data"?
    I have asked you multiple times to provide your source if you think that data is incorrect.
    So come on. What data are you looking at?

    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Look at the liar say HE doesn't know of any medical professionals who have refused to take the vaccine. See how it's done. HE doesn't know - therefore extrapolate to the deceitful "fact" he wants to sow.
    What fact? I'm just talking about the people I know. Overall yes, there are quite a few who have refused to, I just happen not to know any. If I did then I'd ask them why. This entire sentence just shows your paranoia again. How strange it must be for you living in a world where you think so many people are out to get you or deceive. Although you've also said you think that most people are decent. I don't quite know how you manage to hold those two concepts in your head at the same time. Internal consistency is not your forte. For example...

    I am sick and tired of tripping over bodies in the streets. If only this pandemic was 99.8% survivable.
    (Not a quote from you, but you quoting someone else - and you have posted similar figures).
    So where do you get that figure from?
    You say the tests don't work - so you don't know how many people have Covid.
    You say that deaths have been inflated by erroneously putting Covid on the death certificates when that wasn't the cause of death, so you don't know how many people have died.

    So you're working out a CFR by dividing one number you don't know by another number you don't know?
    Or do you have access to some data which I haven't seen? If so then great, let's see it.

    You have failed to explain why, if the tests don't work, the results correlate with hospitalisations and deaths. I guess that brings us back to the data. I look forward to seeing the data you are basing your opinions on.

    And if you're going to call me a liar then, y'know, you might want to stop lying all the time.
    You lied about being "censored" on here when all that happened was some posts got moved and you've been crying about it ever since.
    I exposed your lies about the USPS dude.
    More recently you said the WHO admitted the tests don't work. Literally took me one minute to find a video on the WHO website which talked about how the PCR tests are the more reliable ones. . The only thing they've done is given guidance on how many cycles to run to mitigate false positives.

    People aren't all out to get you, you know.

  5. #5195
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    See how the lying cunt can't answer anything without framing the other person's speech?

    Anyway, it all seems fairly redundant now the THIRD WAVE is on the way.

    You know the drill. Hands. Mask. Asshole. Save the NHS. Blah-de-blah-de-blah.

    Ready to play?

    Für eure Sicherheit

  6. #5196
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    Plod was massively outnumbered in London today, so waited until the bulk of the crowd dispersed before pouncing on women. How they manage to find the time, what with all the pedophiles and Asian rape gangs they have to cover for. Regardless, they managed to snatch a few women so the media could dive in and claim the "mob" was unruly. In fact it was an amazingly peaceful day, apart from the cop thugs kicking off, and it was an impressive turnout. Needs more organisation though, so the people can start to better thwart the cop thugs.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  7. #5197
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    Got my invite to be experimented on by the state. Threw it in the bin without opening. Wifey opened hers. It has a nice invite and a little card you can use to prove you have played ball. That's nice. Very useful. Almost like the Covid passes have been rolled out before the debate, such as it is, is even over. Not that being proactive is a bad thing, especially when it comes to urgent tyranny.

    Approaching the ONE YEAR anniversary of the TWO WEEKS required to save the NHS. I wonder is anyone actually going to make some sort of effort to save the NHS, or is it just a marketing slogan? I've know shit builders, plumbers and electricians in my time. TWO WEEKS! TWO WEEKS! TWO WEEKS... and six months later when the work is still in progress. But this must be a new two week record. Not even lawyers take this long to do two weeks work.
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  8. #5198
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    EU members DR Congo and Indonesia have halted use of the AstraZeneca experimental, untested and illegal vaccine. It's a stitch up by the EU. Founding EU member DR Congo commented, "We hate the Brits for Brexit so we've banned their shitty vaccine." And the European nation of Indonesia claimed, "We didn't kill half the population of East Timor, so fuck off!"

    I've no doubt there are profit shenanigans in full flow - these particular "men of science" are greedy bastards, after all. But there's always a hope there are still honest and authentic scientists submerged somewhere in the middle of this who are trying to apply at least a degree of established science and ethics to this outrageous situation.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #5199
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Drinking alone

  10. #5200
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Drinking alone

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