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Thread: Black Lives Matter

  1. #521
    Pureblood The Wengerbabies's Avatar
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    "Quick he's speaking the truth cut himoff"

  2. #522
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    The posh twat outs himself.

    NQ may be many things but posh isn't one of them!

  3. #523
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    I had a look at the stop and search data

    88.2% of stop and searches were carried out on males. I can't believe no-one is calling out the police for their systemic sexism

  4. #524
    bye Xhaka Can’t's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Pure envy and class hatred on show here.
    I am as sure as I can be that you are taking a contrary view just for the sake of it.

    And this is the problem.

    Life is full of nuance. Not everything will support your world view and not everything will detract from it. If life choices were binary, decisions would be simple and problems solved easier. But life isn’t that way, and when people and governments become dogmatic so as to assume all choices are binary, they fuck everything up.

    GP could have made the same point in a more eloquent and respectful manner with a style of prose that would not upset your otherwise refined and demur demeanour.

    His point is about as close to binary as you can get, there is all sorts of data and information derived from that data that proves it. If you don’t believe the sources providing that information, just open your eyes.

    Look who the Prime Minister is! Look at where so many of the Prime Ministers were educated! Look at where that hypocrite, Dianne Abbott sent her kid.

    It is not a statistical anomaly that so many of our prime ministers and business leaders are where they are.

    It is designed and it is systematic.
    If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.

  5. #525
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Indeed. If you go to a bog standard comprehensive, you've got to work way harder than if you're a posh twat who got bummed at Eton or Ampleforth. Just going to the "right" school will offer you more opportinities in life, regardless of how talented or hard working you may be.
    It’s otherwise a good school apart from that

  6. #526
    They/Them GP's Avatar
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    Is the bumming included or does that cost extra?
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

  7. #527
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xhaka Can’t View Post
    I am as sure as I can be that you are taking a contrary view just for the sake of it.

    And this is the problem.

    Life is full of nuance. Not everything will support your world view and not everything will detract from it. If life choices were binary, decisions would be simple and problems solved easier. But life isn’t that way, and when people and governments become dogmatic so as to assume all choices are binary, they fuck everything up.

    GP could have made the same point in a more eloquent and respectful manner with a style of prose that would not upset your otherwise refined and demur demeanour.

    His point is about as close to binary as you can get, there is all sorts of data and information derived from that data that proves it. If you don’t believe the sources providing that information, just open your eyes.

    Look who the Prime Minister is! Look at where so many of the Prime Ministers were educated! Look at where that hypocrite, Dianne Abbott sent her kid.

    It is not a statistical anomaly that so many of our prime ministers and business leaders are where they are.

    It is designed and it is systematic.
    Well you'd be wrong about my intent. And using politicians as a measure isn't useful at all. We're all aware, and probably all in rough agreement, the political classes are pond life. There are bad politicians and worse politicians, choose the lesser of two evils and you have our current political system. Oxford and Cambridge are much better examples than Eton and Harrow when it comes to determining the opportunities on offer to every last person in this country.

    Without a doubt, some will have to try much harder to climb the ladder, that's because they start from a lower rung. They're on that starting rung because their parents put them on it. Maybe their parents climbed the ladder, maybe they stayed put, maybe they fell off. And it goes back through the generations in the same manner, with each successive generation having it easier than the last (if the parents are in any way responsible) as the restrictions of the class system have loosened over time.

    Class envy is a similar affliction to the abject nonsense about racism doing the rounds. This is a far, far less racist country than it used to be. Similarly it is a far less class constrained country. Everyone knows this, but people want to pretend otherwise so they can push agendas. We've seen steady, patient progress towards equality across the board. It was never handed down, it was always fought for and won. This country has a proud history of progress, offset by a shameful history of abuses - like any country you could mention. But the momentum is forwards and to deny it is vacuous. And compared to just about any other country on the planet, we're well ahead of the pack. It's a fucking disgrace to hear privileged little shits running around the place bad mouthing the nation as racist and fundamentally unjust. If it's so bad then go elsewhere, if you can find anywhere that's better (which you won't).

    The class envying gent we are talking about is a little boy screaming, "I want it all now!" It's a measure of the progress we've made that he's entertained at all. In the past he would have been smacked and sent to bed without supper.
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  8. #528
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Is the bumming included or does that cost extra?
    Now that your leftie mates are gaining ground, good news! The bumming has been liberated from the posh twats and is becoming commonplace among the riff-raff.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  9. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Class envy is a similar affliction to the abject nonsense about racism doing the rounds. This is a far, far less class constrained country country than it used to be.
    This is not the view my parents take, actually. They reckon they'd have never had the opportunity to get together nowadays (inb4 joke about how they should never have got together in the first place).

    My dad comes from a relatively affluent southern family and is a uni lecturer, my mum's from a working class northern/welsh family and is a (now retired) nurse, and what they've told me is that different classes mixed much more back in the 80s than they do now.

    I obviously wasn't around then so I can't say if they're right or wrong, but it's not the case that "everyone knows" that class constraints have decreased recently.

    Although my own experience is somewhat different; I've just moved into a flat with my girlfriend who's from the Bulgarian ghetto and is now supporting my unemployed arse (one of the many reasons I'm distraught at the loss of freedom of movement, but that's another discussion), which could be a sign that on a global or at least continental scale, social mobility is increasing.

    Coming back to the UK, obviously if you compare now to the industrial revolution, class divisions are far less stark, but it could be that we're behind where we were 40-odd years ago. I dunno.
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  10. #530
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    Quote Originally Posted by GP View Post
    Is the bumming included or does that cost extra?
    How little you know.

    As if private schools would give something for free when there are rich people to pay for it.

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