Literally an ugly cunt.
Für eure Sicherheit
Can we rename this the 'Gammon thread', just so anyone who's not white-supremacist and anti-truth can avoid it?
Or was it because your wank material was dissed? It's okay, I'm sure you can still whack one out for Micheal. Just rub harder. Furiously.
Für eure Sicherheit
New ambassador for Nike women
I've no idea who that is
(although Google told me)
What I find hilarious is not only is Nike trolling women (actual women) but they are using someone who is unhealthy (and not just mentally) to promote their brand. Dylan has the BMI of someone with Anorexia, and all these idiots that are part of the “stunning and brave” crowd don’t seem to realise they are tacitly supporting someone’s slow suicide attempt