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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #6111
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Für eure Sicherheit

  2. #6112
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I don't want ANY of your infrastructure. Can I say it more plainly?
    Well…stop using it then
    I’ve suggested a couple of options for you if you want to drop out.
    It’s fair to say you didn’t choose to be born here, but you have chosen to stay.
    For all your bluster about not wanting to be part of society you have continued to live in it and use its infrastructure which you claim not to want.

    If you actually look at your society you will see it is evil at the very core.
    I disagree. It’s certainly flawed, and you’re right about the infrastructure crumbling and being poorly run. But overall I’d suggest there is more good about it than bad.
    Life is better and more comfortable than at any point in history by pretty much any metric.

    Is your argument that the accident of birth commits you to a contract even when you don't consent.
    No, my argument - or suggestion rather - is “don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out”.
    If you don’t like it then there are ways for you to opt out. There are certain practical limitations to that, but if you want to life in a self sufficient commune with like minded individuals then you probably can. That’s as close as you’re going to get while living in this country.

    It seems you reserve the "right" to dictate to me.
    I do not. You’re the one who continues to live in a society you say you don’t like and use the infrastructure you say you don’t want. That’s on you, not me.

  3. #6113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Well…stop using it then
    I’ve suggested a couple of options for you if you want to drop out.
    It’s fair to say you didn’t choose to be born here, but you have chosen to stay.
    For all your bluster about not wanting to be part of society you have continued to live in it and use its infrastructure which you claim not to want.

    I disagree. It’s certainly flawed, and you’re right about the infrastructure crumbling and being poorly run. But overall I’d suggest there is more good about it than bad.
    Life is better and more comfortable than at any point in history by pretty much any metric.

    No, my argument - or suggestion rather - is “don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out”.
    If you don’t like it then there are ways for you to opt out. There are certain practical limitations to that, but if you want to life in a self sufficient commune with like minded individuals then you probably can. That’s as close as you’re going to get while living in this country.

    I do not. You’re the one who continues to live in a society you say you don’t like and use the infrastructure you say you don’t want. That’s on you, not me.
    My God. And you call yourself a Christian. It's obscene.

    Well, Mr Rational, can you explain HOW I stop "using" this infrastructure? Do you suggest I stop using it but continue to pay for it under duress? Or are you offering me the option to not pay for YOU? I doubt it. I actually DON'T use ANY of your shitty, overpriced, malfunctioning and corrupted infrastructure if I can at all help it. I use the roads, and pay through the nose and then some. I use the schools because fascists like you FORCE me, under penalty of stealing my children, to use your shitty indoctrination camps. I use your shitty hospitals because I have spent so much money propping them up I can't afford proper healthcare.

    We are talking about liberty and you can only focus on force and coercion, committed by the scumbags you vote for, and yet you blame ME? How fucking sick in the head are you, really?

    Your "comfort" comes at a cost. Do you have clue what that cost is? Do you? Do you think chucking a fiver in a charity pot during your hypocrite ceremonies in a big building with a guy in fancy dress telling you you are virtuous makes the consequences of the sin any less violent? Your comfort surfs on the back of the greatest possible discomfort for human beings who are o very carefully out of sight and out of mind. But you know about these things, you're aware of them. Only because of people like me who keep reminding you. That's why you will fight tooth and nail to belittle me at every opportunity, calling it a mere joke when you get exposed as the hypocrite you are.

    And then, to add insult to injury, you try the "love it or leave it" defence. As your very own country and culture gets swept away and as fucks like you stand up for sovereignty of a foreign power over sovereignty of the nation, you tell ME to love it or leave it. Fucking breathtaking. The traitor preaching to the patriot.

    You are exposed.
    Für eure Sicherheit

  4. #6114
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    Simple concepts that might give even a moron pause for simulated thought.

    I have to say, for a bloke that made me want to reach for a sick bag, Brand has shown that in times of crisis he knows right from wrong. And he deserves some credit for that, whether you still need the bag or not.
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  5. #6115
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    Does anyone agree with Australia's latest ruling on Ivermectin?

    Kind of lays it all out for everyone to see, clear as day, right?

    Would LOVE to see some excuses from the vaccine cultists, although I'm fully aware the easiest option is to ignore this post for obvious reasons.
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  6. #6116
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    Pfizer is recalling YET ANOTHER cancer causing drug. Only on the market for 15 years so no harm done.

    The main thing is, we can trust them.
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  7. #6117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    My God. And you call yourself a Christian. It's obscene.
    Always a lazy criticism (because Romans 3:23). I'm not clear what I've said which is so abhorrent and non-Christian though.

    Well, Mr Rational, can you explain HOW I stop "using" this infrastructure?
    I've outlined a couple of options.

    I use the schools because fascists like you FORCE me, under penalty of stealing my children, to use your shitty indoctrination camps.
    Well for a start you may be surprised to know that I don't make the laws about children's education.
    And secondly you are not forced to use them anyway by me or anyone else. I know several people who have home schooled. That is a legal option in the UK. Why aren't you doing that?
    You don't want to use the infrastructure. Why are you when it's optional?

    We are talking about liberty and you can only focus on force and coercion
    What the hell are you even talking about. I outlined a couple of ways you can opt out of society. Why aren't you doing those?

    Your "comfort" comes at a cost. Do you have clue what that cost is? Do you?
    What comfort are you talking about? I'm talking about things like the state pension, the NHS, the welfare state. Then there's practical comforts like central heating, fast and comfortable transportation, conveniences like the internet.
    By pretty much any metric for all your hand wringing about the march of authoritarianism and rose-tinted nostalgia for the "good old days", life is more comfortable and more free than at pretty much any point in history.
    It was only about a century ago that women couldn't vote. Our parents grew up in an era when being gay was illegal.
    You simultaneously whine about authoritarianism while being completely free to do so online.
    You simultaneously wring your hands about the authoritarian Covid restrictions while freely ignoring them and observing others doing the same with no consequence.
    How do you manage to hold these contradictory thoughts in your head at the same time?

    If you mean comforts like Amazon dropping stuff off at your door the day after you order it then I agree that comes at the cost of people being exploited. We all have to make choices about how we shop and I'll readily admit I don't always make the right choices there. Same with eating meat. I don't think "meat is murder", but I do think that eating meat contributes to unnecessary animal suffering. But sausages are lovely. So sure, I'm a bit of a hypocrite but aren't we all at some level? (again, Romans 3:23)

    That's why you will fight tooth and nail to belittle me at every opportunity, calling it a mere joke
    Oh dear God are you still crying about the most benign joke? For goodness sake will you lighten up and grow up.

    And then, to add insult to injury, you try the "love it or leave it" defence.
    It's not a defence, it's the only two options. You either live in the society or you don't. If you do - and you choose to, despite your protestations - then you don't have to love it, but you do have to accept the constraints that puts on you. Which in my view are not that onerous, you abide by certain rules and you pay tax but you get schooling for your kids, you get roads, you can call 999 and someone picks up, you walk in to a hospital and they treat you without a massive bill afterwards - that last thing is mind-blowing to people in many countries. None of this stuff is perfect, but overall it's better than not having it.
    There is another option for you - leave the society. I have outlined a couple of options for you there.

    As your very own country and culture gets swept away
    What does that even mean? You're complaining that things change over time? They always have. Do you think "English culture" has always been the same?
    The rate of change has increased because of cheap and quick international travel but older people moaning about things changing has happened for as long as there have been old people.

    and as fucks like you stand up for sovereignty of a foreign power over sovereignty of the nation
    I don't know what this means, is it about the EU again? It's a similar argument to the society one - there's a cost to being in one but there are benefits. Most people accept the former because of the latter. We didn't lose our sovereignty when we joined - I believe that has been proven in court. But leaving the EU, while complex, meant writing a letter. We didn't have to go to war. Because we are sovereign. We chose to join, we chose to leave. The debate is (or should have been) whether the benefits of being in the EU are worth the costs. And if you're going to splutter "what benefits" then like all right thinking people I'm bored of the Brexit nonsense. I came to the view that I'd rather be in than out but I'm no champion for the EU, I was briefly swayed by the counter argument.

    In brief, you don't have to love it or leave it, you have to put up with it or leave it. If there another option? Change it? OK, maybe that's one. But I'd suggest in practice that would be almost impossible.

  8. #6118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    It seems you vaccinated people are in for a rough ride.
    VAERS is co-administered by the FDA and CDC. Isn't this all a bit too mainstream for you?
    It's interesting how you trust data when it backs up what you want to believe and claim it's faked when it doesn't...
    In any case VAERS is

    A passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences to CDC and FDA. VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety problem with a vaccine.
    Anyone can report an incident to VAERS and given that these vaccines have known side effects and there has been mass vaccination it's not a surprise that there's been a lot of reports.
    So far there has been no spike in deaths which correlates with the vaccination rollout. The long term effects are unknown of course.

  9. #6119
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    That's a nice try to reverse the logic of presenting the only type of data you people will accept, namely establishment approved. While you are busy making excuses for YOUR approved sources, you try to palm that off on me as being selective. I have refrained from posting up data or opinion from any number of doctors and medical professionals who are deeply concerned with what is going on and know that none of it tallies with their training and experience. Instead I have encouraged people to find this for themselves, albeit knowing that most will go out of their way to avoid it.

    I also tend to post opinion from left wing sources because, again, you people would simply dismiss it otherwise. Even so, it still gets ignored of course. I guess that's down to my selective nature again?

    Maybe have a look at that data again to see if you can twig why it ought to be more than a little worrying, even taking into account the spamming of vaccines across the planet. They want to pump this shit into kids, remember? So when you compare the (admitted, let alone concealed - see Dr Malone) risk of the vaccine with the risk covid poses to kids what do you see? These are YOUR data, remember?

    It's pretty hopeless. At this late stage in the game if people can't figure out who the winners and losers are and how the game is being played they never will and there's no point pressing the issue.

    Which is why I signed off by encouraging you to enjoy your vaccine, and the booster, and the boosters that will come after. And the plummeting efficacy.

    I haven't even thrown a strop about your compliant and complacent behaviour potentially posing a serious risk to those who have taken a more considered approach. After all, we're the ones likely to be penalised and disenfranchised for not playing along. And we'll have to suffer the fallout from this global farmyard experiment and the potential variants that follow. AND we are forced to pay for it all. You might think we'd be a bit more pissed about it, and maybe we should be.
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  10. #6120
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    For the record - although I've already posted these opinions before - I don't agree with vaccinating children and I don't think people who declined to be vaccinated should either be forced to or punished for not being. I made my own decision about vaccination, other people made theirs and that's fine.
    I'm not sure what I can actually do about it though.

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