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Thread: Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. #6981
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie the Optimist View Post
    He was also arguing for lockdown back then…
    I mean, to be fair all of us changed our opinions on multiple things during the pandemic as events unfolded and new data emerged. But these bits of his message are interesting:

    'd be the first on the street chucking stuff if I was confident this was some prelude to a police state. But who can genuinely say they are confident of that right now?

    t's a good thing that we live in a country where the government is even concerned about liberty at a time like this. We don't want to wake up in a Chinese style afterlife where we're tagged and tracked and shoved around at gunpoint.
    So at the time he was pretty confident that the restrictions weren't the start of a descent into an authoritarian nightmare.
    But then when the restrictions persisted he started to fall down various conspiracy theory rabbit holes, and coupled with his natural suspicion of authority it led him to predictions of curfews and checkpoints, the army on the streets, marshal law. The wild predictions of what would become of the non-vaccinated.

    Now, none of us know what's going to happen of course, But the interesting thing is that even though none of that happened - in fact, the opposite did, the restrictions have now all been lifted. But despite that NQ remains convinced he was right about it all. It's very strange. He absolutely refuses to concede he got these things wrong and seems unable to think about why, even though I've told him why.

  2. #6982
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  3. #6983
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    I mean, to be fair all of us changed our opinions on multiple things during the pandemic as events unfolded and new data emerged. But these bits of his message are interesting:


    So at the time he was pretty confident that the restrictions weren't the start of a descent into an authoritarian nightmare.
    But then when the restrictions persisted he started to fall down various conspiracy theory rabbit holes, and coupled with his natural suspicion of authority it led him to predictions of curfews and checkpoints, the army on the streets, marshal law. The wild predictions of what would become of the non-vaccinated.

    Now, none of us know what's going to happen of course, But the interesting thing is that even though none of that happened - in fact, the opposite did, the restrictions have now all been lifted. But despite that NQ remains convinced he was right about it all. It's very strange. He absolutely refuses to concede he got these things wrong and seems unable to think about why, even though I've told him why.
    I followed science. So did Boris in the beginning.

    Let's say Covid really had been dangerous and had the capacity to kill a swathe of the population. We already had well established plans in place to deal with that. This wasn't the first pandemic in history.

    It was when these plans were torn up and replaced with another set of plans that looked strangely familiar that I started with my conspiracy theories. Like my bullshit on a "vaccine" that doesn't prevent infection or transmission. You probably haven't been keeping up to date with the ongoing fallout from these "vaccines" I suppose. It really is the most terrible of scandals but you probably haven't seen what happens to people when they use official data to point this out. Science sometimes, other times whatever. Still, my conspiracy theory tallies quite neatly with that which has been said but strangely under-reported.

    As for the army, it was on the streets the whole time it turns out. 14 branches of it, driving project fear. Admirably supported by the massed ranks of drums and pipers in places like the BBC. Quietly, quietly the rolling death toll has faded from the memory, while the latest and ongoing death toll warrants no mention. Another conspiracy theory, as the CIA (who coined the term) would say.

    The checkpoints? Well we were talking about them just today. Just because it looks like China doesn't mean it's actually China, right? And because the prison has no bars it can't be a prison. If you don't like it just don't drive, don't own private property and don't eat the unlabelled GM foods being endorsed by HRH while farms are being shut down and cattle and poultry killed off. Same HRH that carries his own private organic food stock when he travels. On his private jet. No, I'm thinking our leaders' intentions didn't change at all. They are still the same lovable crowd that long reigned over us prior to the pandemic bonanza and the impending climate (what shall we call it) "rescue"?

    Yeah. We're down here, they're up there and there's nothing to see here. All the unfortunate coincidences that emerged entirely by accident, entirely in line with what has actually been written down and announced publicly. Who would waste time making conspiracy theories out of facts? If you do actually follow the science and append a little common sense for good measure, you don't need conspiracy theories. Not when it's not even a conspiracy any more but policy, right out in the open.

    We should drop all conspiracy theories really. Including the daddy of them all about the world ending any day now. Because science covers that too.
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  4. #6984
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    They managed it so well. Probably why they are about to gain supra-national powers that will make it mandatory for Sweden to shut the fuck up and do what it's told.

    The Ethiopian hustler done good. Played, my son.
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  5. #6985
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I followed science.
    There's a pretty high correlation between what you accept as good science and what fits your worldview though.
    Now I'm not saying you're unique in that regard, but come on dude. Whether you accept scientific evidence does depend on whether it matches your views.

    Let's say Covid really had been dangerous and had the capacity to kill a swathe of the population.
    It seems like it was pretty dangerous for certain groups. For the majority I'd agree it was a nothing burger and extended lockdowns was the wrong thing to do.

    We already had well established plans in place to deal with that. This wasn't the first pandemic in history.
    Did we, though? It was the first proper global pandemic for a century and in that time a lot has changed in medical science and in the world generally. We didn't, for example, have a global travel network a century ago which could efficiently transport people (and therefore any pathogens they might be carrying) around the world.

    Like my bullshit on a "vaccine" that doesn't prevent infection or transmission.
    That isn't what vaccines do. They prepare the immune system for infection.

    You probably haven't been keeping up to date with the ongoing fallout from these "vaccines" I suppose.
    Well, I've heard a lot of claim and counter claim about this. I know that all cause mortality is up since the end of the pandemic but that happened after the one a century ago too.
    This time it was obvious that missed appointments and diagnoses was going to take a toll, that has to be a factor.

    As for the army, it was on the streets the whole time it turns out.
    They must have been in camo, I didn't see them. But your claim at the time was that the army going door to door in Birmingham was "to get us used to" the presence of the army on the streets.

    The checkpoints? Well we were talking about them just today. Just because it looks like China doesn't mean it's actually China, right? And because the prison has no bars it can't be a prison. If you don't like it just don't drive.
    Come on dude, that clearly isn't what you were talking about when you talked about checkpoints.

    No, I'm thinking our leaders' intentions didn't change at all.
    Well, I agree. But their intentions were never to oppress and control us and micro-manage our lives. The Covid restrictions were an attempt to deal with the situation. They made a right bloody hash of it of course, and obviously used the situation to enrich themselves and their mates. Of course. Plus ca change. And I'd accept they might have used it as a cover to put things on the statute books when no-one was looking. But it was never a one way slide into the dystopia you seemed to be imagining. When the situation changed restrictions were lifted. I think I'd agree that happened far too late, but see above about them making a hash of things.

  6. #6986
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  7. #6987
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    There's a pretty high correlation between what you accept as good science and what fits your worldview though.
    Now I'm not saying you're unique in that regard, but come on dude. Whether you accept scientific evidence does depend on whether it matches your views.

    It seems like it was pretty dangerous for certain groups. For the majority I'd agree it was a nothing burger and extended lockdowns was the wrong thing to do.

    Did we, though? It was the first proper global pandemic for a century and in that time a lot has changed in medical science and in the world generally. We didn't, for example, have a global travel network a century ago which could efficiently transport people (and therefore any pathogens they might be carrying) around the world.

    That isn't what vaccines do. They prepare the immune system for infection.

    Well, I've heard a lot of claim and counter claim about this. I know that all cause mortality is up since the end of the pandemic but that happened after the one a century ago too.
    This time it was obvious that missed appointments and diagnoses was going to take a toll, that has to be a factor.

    They must have been in camo, I didn't see them. But your claim at the time was that the army going door to door in Birmingham was "to get us used to" the presence of the army on the streets.

    Come on dude, that clearly isn't what you were talking about when you talked about checkpoints.

    Well, I agree. But their intentions were never to oppress and control us and micro-manage our lives. The Covid restrictions were an attempt to deal with the situation. They made a right bloody hash of it of course, and obviously used the situation to enrich themselves and their mates. Of course. Plus ca change. And I'd accept they might have used it as a cover to put things on the statute books when no-one was looking. But it was never a one way slide into the dystopia you seemed to be imagining. When the situation changed restrictions were lifted. I think I'd agree that happened far too late, but see above about them making a hash of things.
    Again, your memory. I laid it all out for you. The PCR tests. The masks. The viable treatments as opposed to the hoax vaccine. It's all there if you want to go and educate yourself. Which is exactly what I did when they pandemic struck like a bolt from the blue (planned in advance).

    You listen to the propaganda and see if there's anything in there worth listening to, because from time to time even the BBC says something that's accurate. Then you find the genuine experts by studying their track records. Are they for hire? Do they flip according to trends? Do they have shady ties with the corporations and the puppet politicians? All the obvious due diligence. And then, when you find experts that have not been bought, you listen to what they have to say. And consider it. And maybe you have to read a few books or papers to brush up on what they are even talking about, so you get the gist of it at least. Which already takes you to a whole new universe where you won't find a single BBC moron (but you still have to listen to the cunts of course, all that panting while they take it up the arse).

    And you do that many times until you can EASILY build a picture of the reality. And when you have a grasp of actual science, rater than "The Science", you act accordingly.

    It's incredibly fucking simple.

    So, that aside.

    YES. It was dangerous for people with specific pre-existing medical conditions, particularly the elderly who were more likely to have developed such conditions in later life. It is entirely (as in 100%) HARMLESS for anybody else. Just like the flu. And the US government knew this way, way in advance. Because they were the ones who developed the virus in the lab in China. This is all now a matter of fact, even if the mainstream media won't report what has been coming out in the US Congress daily. There is ZERO evidence to suggest the virus originated naturally. And an avalanche of evidence, with all the paperwork and receipts, to demonstrate how the US, in collaboration with China, engineered the virus to do exactly what later transpired, with the media in tow pumping their sewage into every home night after night.

    But yes. It definitely WAS dangerous for some people. Which is why the Great Barrington Declaration was presented as a solution. Only to be shot down by a media who then went on to describe Ivermectin as a veterinarian drug.

    Which bit aren't you getting? There's enough out there so even the latecomers can play.

    And then you go on to talk about DEAD people. Yeah, yeah, come on. There was bound to be collateral damage. Long as it's not me where's the harm?

    I am going to get you back on the path of Christianity if it kills me.

    As for the control and the oppression. It really is a thing how nothing of significance EVER comes up on this forum from the usual suspects. It's always the trivia. I do check. When the biggest bullshit story in the world happens I think, boy, they'll be lapping that up on GW. And then real stuff happens and it's me and the crickets.

    Shit, I'm not bashing you. Almost everyone is disconnected these days. So complacent and so trusting. Like a young girl who just hitched a ride with a violent sex criminal. I wonder what's going to happen? That bloke down the road shouting, "Don't get in the fucking car you dumb bitch!", that's me. The bad guy.

    Nothing is connected in most people's minds. Because if it was, you'd be able to see it all laid out. And you'd be horrified and terrified. But one thing never leads to another. It's all separate and in the moment. Just a string of remorseless coincidences.
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  8. #6988
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    And there was "The Science"

    And there were 200 million people dying on the BBC every 15 minutes.

    We even managed to murder all those old people.

    So there were grounds to do other insane stuff too.

    Nice though that the BBC has managed to find a break in its cheerleading to cover its arse by pretending it wasn't the #1 fanboy of the lockdowns.
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  9. #6989
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post

    And there were 200 million people dying on the BBC every 15 minutes.
    Warning - this may be an exaggeration...

  10. #6990
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Again, your memory. I laid it all out for you.
    Yes, you explained how they were gearing up for marshal law. You warned us about the coming curfews and checkpoints. If only we'd listened.
    It's nothing to do with memory. You're acting like I didn't respond to any of it and you're still pretending you weren't wrong about your predictions of coming dystopia.

    Let's take one of those things. The PCR tests. You said how the inventor claimed they don't work. You then said the WHO admitted that too.
    On both occasions it took me 2 minutes to find that the actual message in both cases was "RTFM". IF you do too many cycles then it can lead to false positives.
    Saying the tests need to be used correctly is NOT the same as saying they don't work.

    And this is your problem. You are awful at analysing information and data and drawing conclusions from it. It's all so coloured by your world-view. Now, that's true for all of us of course, but your worldview is pretty extreme. You always think "they" are up to something. That's how you see an article on the WHO website saying PCN tests need to be used properly and end up claiming they are admitting they didn't work. And ultimately it's how you got to the hysterical predictions you made during the pandemic.

    It's all there if you want to go and educate yourself. Which is exactly what I did when they pandemic struck like a bolt from the blue.
    It's all where? I mean, there's a lot of information out there isn't there? The tricky bit these days is working out which is true.
    I mean, you sneer at people like me for letting the BBC "tell me how to think".
    You're pretty happy to let Jimmy Dore and John Campbell do that. I explained in some detail how the former dishonestly cherry picked from an article in one video and at one point misquoted it completely to make it sound like the exact opposite of what it actually said. I explained how the latter omitted facts to draw conclusions which just didn't stack up if you looked at the full dataset. It all just bounced off you.
    Your definition of propaganda is "things you don't agree with". I've posted YouTube videos on climate science and vaccines and you dismissed them as propaganda. For who? To what end? They're just private individuals.
    But they didn't say what you wanted them to say, so you dismissed them as propaganda.

    And you do that many times until you can EASILY build a picture of the reality.
    See. The thing about that is the preceding paragraph did actually make some sense. But I've noted some of the places your picture of reality led you to. And it didn't match the actual reality.
    So your continued confidence in your abilities as a wide sage who can see clearly where all this is heading baffles me. I see no effort at introspection. You can't even admit you were wrong about things, let alone consider why.

    YES. It was dangerous for people with specific pre-existing medical conditions, particularly the elderly who were more likely to have developed such conditions in later life.
    Correct. But that is a significant percentage of the population in developed countries. So yes, I do think that SOMETHING NEEDED TO BE DONE. I have related many times the conversation I had with an ICU doctor. This was not a normal situation. But the SOMETHING wasn't long, extended lockdowns. You aren't pretending you uniquely saw that at the time, are you? We were all calling bullshit on it.
    In the following paragraph you make a load of claims but like I said you've done that before and on cross checking the source I've found your claims to be at odds with the reality.

    I am going to get you back on the path of Christianity if it kills me.
    You have repeatedly shown you don't know what path that is. Literally yesterday you were scoffing at the idea that a Christian could believe something which the Bible says in more than one place. So...

    Shit, I'm not bashing you.
    Likewise. I'm just trying to get you to see that you're not the one who knows "what's going on". I mean, maybe none of us really do. But your worldview has led you to make demonstrably false claims and make demonstrably false predictions. I'm just gently suggesting you consider that you're not the one who can see it "all laid out". If you were then you wouldn't be predicting a slide into a dystopia when the opposite happened.

    Come on, dude. Work with me. There was no marshal law, there were no checkpoints or curfews.
    I mean, some of those things did happen elsewhere but the context of your posts was clearly about what would happen here.
    Isn't it worth considering that you were wrong about those things and thinking about why?

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