And at least one staffiGoing back to the term "Chav"... which (rightly or wrongly) is an acronym for "Council Housed And Violent". Although the term is very stereotypical, you would only usually refer that particular term to someone you felt was like that... i.e. the tracksuit, joint, can of tennants export, tipped cap & a high pitched voice screaming for a fight! Calling them the name can be seen as a badge of honour, like the ASBO! In that sense, I wouldn't say it's offensive!
Also Chav doesn't refer to a person's financial status (as such) therefore most of the conversation about tax evasion/avoidance is pretty irrelevant... and IMHO is another topic in itself! That said, it angers me a hell of a lot that I'm out working all these hours and paying my taxes month in month out... and there's people out there, who CAN work, who are sitting on their arses all day doing naff all and claiming benefits... because they can! The people who have got used to popping down the job center every couple of weeks to get their dole money... maybe even pop another kid or two out so that they can get more!