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Thread: Wimbledon 2023

  1. #61
    Administrator Letters's Avatar
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    You never disappoint

  2. #62
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You never disappoint

  3. #63
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    Djok moves on to 24. I can't warm to him like Federer, but pretty clear now he's the GOAT.
    It's been an amazing era with those two and Nadal all playing at the same time.

  4. #64
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    The best you can say is that the Smug Swiss is now an increasingy distant third best player in recent times, he's pretty much a footnote now tbh

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    The best you can say is that the Smug Swiss is now an increasingy distant third best player in recent times, he's pretty much a footnote now tbh

    Sampras far exceeded what Agassi achieved but people remember Agassi far more than the dull one trick pony that was Sampras.

    Not a fan of Nadal or Djokovic but Nadal at least had multiple different attributes to his repertoire. Djokovic is a full defensive player who is a freak of nature in terms of his longevity.

    Don’t really get what you’ve got against Federer, the most entertaining player to play the game and this smug thing? If you’re as good as him it comes with a degree of nonchalance. Better than going into screaming rants like Djokovic when things don’t go his way, and for all Rafa’s superficial humbleness, this was a guy who could become quite nasty as well if you listen to some of the on court audio…I don’t mean he’s a nasty guy because he’s not, it’s just that to be a winner you have to have an edge to you.

    Federer was a player who could keep on improving his game into his thirties, he had a miniature renaissance about six years ago simply by working on a clear weakness his backhand and turning it into another tool in his Arsenal (this is how he beat Nadal in the Australian open final of 2017)

    But you do you I guess, can’t really understand how anyone would take a dislike to Federer if I’m honest, he was always a model professional and absolutely will be remembered whether you accept that or not

  6. #66
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    Let's face it, every tennis pro has to be a nasty ruthless bastard otherwise they're never winning anything.

    People see what they want to see - Federer was just playing his own little 'Mr Nice' game and everyone fell for it - how pathetic to see the Wimbledon crowd swooning over 'Roger' every time he played

    Underneath he wax a sly git - I always remember what he said to Murray when he beat him in the Wimbledon final: "I'm sure Andy will win one grand slam, one day"

    sarcastic git, but everyone applauded of course

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    I always remember what he said to Murray when he beat him in the Wimbledon final: "I'm sure Andy will win one grand slam, one day"
    You remember wrong. Your (bizarre frankly) distain for him even causes you to misremember what Federer said and infer some sarcasm in what he said. His actual words were

    "He's done so well over the years, he's been so consistent and to me it shows he cares so dearly about tennis, about this tournament he'll at least win one grand slam, this is what I hope for Andy."

    Yeah, what an utter bastard!

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You remember wrong. Your (bizarre frankly) distain for him even causes you to misremember what Federer said and infer some sarcasm in what he said. His actual words were

    "He's done so well over the years, he's been so consistent and to me it shows he cares so dearly about tennis, about this tournament he'll at least win one grand slam, this is what I hope for Andy."

    Yeah, what an utter bastard!
    ok, so i got the exact words wrong but "at least one grand slam" - that's the key part I remembered - if you can't see the arrogant and patronising nature of his words then you're too far gone down the 'Darling Roger' road I'm afraid

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac76 View Post
    ok, so i got the exact words wrong but "at least one grand slam" - that's the key part I remembered
    You didn't remember it. That's not even what you said above. You said "one grand slam one day" and you emphasised the "one"s as if he said it in some sarcastic way.
    He didn't say that and he didn't emphasise the "one". And you "accidentally" left out the part where he said "this is what I hope for Andy".

    if you can't see the arrogant and patronising nature of his words then you're too far gone down the 'Darling Roger' road I'm afraid
    The alternative explanation of course being you're so entrenched in your position that "Federer bad", you can't spot genuine good wishes for a fellow player when you hear it.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    You didn't remember it. That's not even what you said above. You said "one grand slam one day" and you emphasised the "one"s as if he said it in some sarcastic way.
    He didn't say that and he didn't emphasise the "one". And you "accidentally" left out the part where he said "this is what I hope for Andy".

    The alternative explanation of course being you're so entrenched in your position that "Federer bad", you can't spot genuine good wishes for a fellow player when you hear it.
    OK sure, I (genuinely) agree I'm biased because I really don't like Federer, personally I do find him smarmy and smug and didn't particularly enjoy watching him play - also all the fawning over him made me feel nauseous tbh

    but having said that, I remember saying to someone else at the time about that Murray remark and they said they thought it didn't ring true

    anyway his legacy is being swiftly dismantled by Rafa and Jokeavic so all good

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