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Thread: Random Arsenal Shit (When it's not worth starting a thread)

  1. #8341
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I don't think that's the general sentiment at all. It's more a case of most people not giving a shit either way. But for as long as we're in it the team will get support, at least that's the way it looks so far. The general sentiment seems to be an FA Cup win is not enough to save Wenger's arse. We've already been there and nothing changed as a result. And here we are again.
    I don't know, I think an FA cup win would cause him to sneakily sign that two year contract

    I'm genuinely conflicted, I don't want us to lose any game but at the same time I want for there to be no ledge for Wenger to cling to

  2. #8342
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Even if we win the cup I don't think opinion will change much. In 2014 you could be forgiven for thinking he might be able to push us on but now it's obvious he's taken us as far as he can and also wasted a lot of money in the process.

    It's down to the fans now to make it as uncomfortable as possible for him to even contemplate that new deal.

    For what it's worth, as fans we should absolutely be wanting to win any trophy.
    Last edited by Marc Overmars; 22-02-2017 at 10:45 PM.

  3. #8343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I don't know, I think an FA cup win would cause him to sneakily sign that two year contract

    I'm genuinely conflicted, I don't want us to lose any game but at the same time I want for there to be no ledge for Wenger to cling to
    He's signing that contract regardless, unless some fresh calamity strikes that causes a new outcry. The lucky bastard has been gifted the biggest break possible with this lengthy pause in proceedings. It would have been far more dangerous for him if the Liverpool game had come quickly on the heels of the Bayern debacle. For sure he's going to fuck up the tactics for that game, as he's been doing for years, and another loss to a close rival in the race for the coveted Top 4 Trophy might have ratcheted up the pressure in close proximity to the last screw up. But an easy ride against a non-league opponent in the FA Cup (he fucked up the tactics for that game too, of course) followed by a pause? The wave has passed, this storm didn't sink him. We know we aren't winning or even challenging for the PL, we've been humiliated in the CL again, we'll get as far as the semis of the FA Cup and you know Wenger, if we get knocked out by a half decent opponent he'll have a barrage of excuses on hand. We'll win the Top 4 World Cup again. And that will be enough for what still seems to be the majority of fans who really don't seem to be into football. They are more into Wenger and selfies in a flashy stadium from what can tell. The only change this season will be an increase in the divide between the football fans who support Arsenal and the other lot who consume the Arsenal brand. And in the end, the latter group will prevail. And when that happens, well as Wenger says himself, he might go on longer than Ferguson.

    He's going nowhere. So we might as well get behind any of the players who step up and show they give a fuck and encourage them to win a cup. Even if it's just a small reminder of what sport and football is supposed to be about.
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  4. #8344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    I don't like him but not because his lack of investment in the club, but because he's using the club as part of his financial portfolio.....basically an asset with which he can borrow at equitable rate of interests for other ventures.

    I like the three million paid out to KSE which is clearly an alternative to a dividend even less

    I don't particularly like having one owner (or majority shareholder in the case of Kroenke) and would rather no-one individual had a controlling interest in the club

    It's debatable though for me, what would be worse out of having Kroenke or Usmanov as owners
    Fair enough. I think he should invest some of his own money into the club. Not a crazy amount but if he’s going to pay himself a dividend, I’d rather he’d actually put something more into the club and have some form of presence. We can still run a self-sustaining model but still accept the one off investment from the owners. It’s not as if we haven’t done it that in the past.

    I don’t like the ticket pricing structure and think the club should being more address that balance considering the hefty sponsorship payouts. I’m not really surprised that he’s a greedy fuck and has jumped on board the gravy train but Wenger jumping out to defend the pricing as ‘fair’ and continuing to say we need the money to compete is just deceptive. He doesn’t have to say that and because some fans believe he’s a man of integrity, they swallow the bullshit about it being necessary to compete.

    I liked the fact that a Bayern Munich spokesperson spelt out the minuscule difference a ticket price hike makes to the overall revenue of a club to the huge impact it can have on the fans wallet. Didn’t our latest price hike amount to an extra £3m in revenue? Isn’t that what we paid KSE? As said, Wenger is no fool and I hate the fact that he’s used his position to deceive the fans. He knows that extra £3m isn’t the difference between us on our rivals competing. It’s an attempt to pacify the fans and it’s deceptive. He doesn’t have to do that.

  5. #8345
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    I'd like to say that's it's nothing personal against Wenger from me, despite what HCZ thinks, I just don't like the way he deals with everything and points the finger at the fans and not himself or the players, some people say he's a good guy, not for Arsenal maybe in person he is but the way he portrays himself at Arsenal is frankly and embarassment and a disgrace and no other managers don't do the same, they will often take responsibility or lay blame on players example, they certainly don't blame the fans.

    Moreover he's been doing the same thing for over a decade now and there's still some people who rave about him (though they are becoming fewer nowadays), which IMO is odd.

    I don't particuarly dislike him, just think he's had a very easy ride, no other manager has had it so easy in fact and no manager would have lasted like he has with the results he's had, yes he did some very good things, but that was a long time ago and just because he won a few titles and had us playing some great football once upon a time this doesn't make him a god. He's done very well indeed from Arsenal, it wasn't a selfess act, he's been paid a lot of money and has been able to to as he wishes and pleases with little pressure, some people act like he's doing us a favour, what on 8.5 million a year, I think not, we're the ones doing him a favour for putting up with him for so long!

  6. #8346
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    No need to defend yourself. How can it be personal when you have never met the man or dealt with him ever. that is just stuff said when no logical counterargument is left

    Wenger is in paradise at Arsenal. Everything he wants and very little risk to himself. What real fans need to ask is how long they want to wait before seeing Arsenal achieve the heights all fans wish for their club. We are the laughing stock of the European football hierarchy. The club that revels in mediocrity calling it success. Sadly some fans have imbibed this 2nd class attitude. Beating the Spuds is their only benchmark of glory.

    Wenger needs to go. We need to free ourselves of his pathetic mindset. Leave Kroenke out of it. We were wallowing in our 4th place state of mind long before he took over. We didnt realise it at the time but it was the unholy union of the leech and the quack doctor. With us fans as the unwitting patient.
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  7. #8347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Globalgunner View Post
    No need to defend yourself. How can it be personal when you have never met the man or dealt with him ever. that is just stuff said when no logical counterargument is left

    Wenger is in paradise at Arsenal. Everything he wants and very little risk to himself. What real fans need to ask is how long they want to wait before seeing Arsenal achieve the heights all fans wish for their club. We are the laughing stock of the European football hierarchy. The club that revels in mediocrity calling it success. Sadly some fans have imbibed this 2nd class attitude. Beating the Spuds is their only benchmark of glory.

    Wenger needs to go. We need to free ourselves of his pathetic mindset. Leave Kroenke out of it. We were wallowing in our 4th place state of mind long before he took over. We didnt realise it at the time but it was the unholy union of the leech and the quack doctor. With us fans as the unwitting patient.
    Totally agree, I know back in the late 90s and early 00s we had a great team and played some great football, but I do always wonder why the man gets so much praise, for most of his career with us he's been mediocre and has been unbearable to listen to with his holier than thou attitude, people talk about him we're lucky we ever had him, thing he was a nobody when he arrived (managing in a minor league), has been given the freedom to do whatever he likes at the expense of the results and has been made one of the highest paid manager.

    I'd say he's been pretty lucky we brought him onboard, I don't have same "thanks for making us great and rescuing us from oblivion" attitude some people have, he came in did his job very well using his knowledge and contacts, then lost his way and didn't do such a great job.

    Yes the stadium happened whilst he was here, but he didn't risk anything, or put in his own money and he then basically contributed to us being turned into a business that's primary objective is profit.

    Top manager in his time, but I'm not eternally grateful to him for turning us into what we are today, not really a football club anymore.

  8. #8348
    No-one's asking you to be eternally grateful, just own the nonsense you speak

    What was it on Monday? Oh yes....Wenger celebrating our first goal against Sutton like it was the winning goal in a champions league final?.....what because a clap and a slight fist pump

    I do agree there's plenty of things to be annoyed with Wenger about so there really is no need to invent things

    Why does he get so much praise?......because like it or not Money has dominated this sport (and ruined it) so the previous non achievement of finishing 4th is representative of the paragon of stability. Of course Man United actually never finished lower than third with Ferguson as manager so it also rather puts that into perspective.

    I think that in his first ten years were to win three league titles, four cups and got us to the Champions League final which does by far surpass any Arsenal manager in the modern era by some way.

    He kept us stable when the club did have to massively tighten it's belt to finance the stadium move, but the fact is now the club has the money and infrastructure not to depend on finishing 4th and Wenger believes he's still a top manager because his ego is being stroked by an avaricious yank who is using the club as the jewel in his sports franchise crown.

    Do we owe Wenger gratitude for staying here as long as he has, no of course not.....I unfortunately think the so-called abuse has to continue to make it clear to him that he cannot stay here beyond this season. But any assessment other than that the club is in a much better state than it was when he joined us and that he is at least partly responsible for that, is idiotic.

  9. #8349
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herbert_Chapman's_Zombie View Post
    No-one's asking you to be eternally grateful, just own the nonsense you speak

    What was it on Monday? Oh yes....Wenger celebrating our first goal against Sutton like it was the winning goal in a champions league final?.....what because a clap and a slight fist pump

    I do agree there's plenty of things to be annoyed with Wenger about so there really is no need to invent things

    Why does he get so much praise?......because like it or not Money has dominated this sport (and ruined it) so the previous non achievement of finishing 4th is representative of the paragon of stability. Of course Man United actually never finished lower than third with Ferguson as manager so it also rather puts that into perspective.

    I think that in his first ten years were to win three league titles, four cups and got us to the Champions League final which does by far surpass any Arsenal manager in the modern era by some way.

    He kept us stable when the club did have to massively tighten it's belt to finance the stadium move, but the fact is now the club has the money and infrastructure not to depend on finishing 4th and Wenger believes he's still a top manager because his ego is being stroked by an avaricious yank who is using the club as the jewel in his sports franchise crown.

    Do we owe Wenger gratitude for staying here as long as he has, no of course not.....I unfortunately think the so-called abuse has to continue to make it clear to him that he cannot stay here beyond this season. But any assessment other than that the club is in a much better state than it was when he joined us and that he is at least partly responsible for that, is idiotic.
    You really should be able to make your point without resorting to abuse..Idiotic!. Really? and you say Ozim has it personal with Wenger. We have come a long way since Wenger came in and yes he did entertain us greatly way back when, but you make it seem as if we would not have made similar or greater progress if he never came?.

    Take the Spuds. they have been through a dozen managers or more since Wenger came in 96 but they have become a real challenger to us and the elite PL contenders who have pumped in billions. They are also building a bigger stadium. Is Levy revered in the same way as we are asked to idolise Wenger?

    Southampton have built a bigger stadium, are established in the EPL and could build an even bigger stadium than St Marys if the catchment area was not so small. many other clubs have made similar gains in the last 20 years

    We have done well with Wenger but so has he from us. Stating the obvious should not result in abuse. All that does is expose the the shallow in human make up.

    Ozim has been found to have been right about Wenger all along. Some people are having a hard time accepting that
    Last edited by Globalgunner; 23-02-2017 at 04:12 PM.
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  10. #8350
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    Southampton are a bad example.

    they built a bigger stadium, then were relegated. Took them years to recover.
    NOTE: The location of this post has been moved and the thread title (which was previously Wenger is Leaving) has been manipulated by a notorious pro-Wenger moderator. What was previously a message that contained no profanity and made a comment on a real life event has now been manipulated by a deliberately provocative title. An old and crude propaganda and censorship technique.

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