Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), predicted that the death toll from the Chinese coronavirus will be “much, much, much lower” than the models have projected due to Americans following social distancing recommendations.
I think even the village idiot had worked that out by now. One German epidemiologist predicts that once all the deaths that have been thrown into the COVID19 pot are properly accounted for, mortality rate will slightly exceed that of other Coronavirus strains. This is based on a French study that compared thousands of current cases with historical data. He's asked if data like this has ever been fed into these models.
Social distancing didn't come into effect until the virus had months to take hold. So the excuse for their typical hysterical predictions doesn't hold water. I think they are just very, very bad at what they do. In The UK we saw the same feverish predictions from the notorious Imperial College, whi have an unmatched record for being wildly wrong about everything. And it was the same in Australia, a country that has handled the outbreak as well as any other, where people with computers as opposed to real scientists predicted 6 figure death tolls.
When this is finished we'll need to find all these computer modellers and give them some basic maths training so they do better next time. And we could extend an invite for the climate change nutters to see if we can help them with their models that predict the world will end in 2012.
Seriously though. We need to stop listening to technocrats. They are utterly incompetent and they keep proving it over and over. A technocrat is not the same thing as an actual, experienced specialist. I mean you have thick shits like Bill Gates and Al Gore running around pretending they know shit about shit. Gates made a fortune turning an excellent operating system he stole into the world's biggest piece of shit, while Gore has been so wrong in so many ways on so many occasions he makes a stopped clock look infallible. Yet these twats have more people listening to them than actual scientists.
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TechCrunch reports that the video conferencing app Zoom has admitted that some Zoom calls were routed through China just hours after a report on the issue from security researchers at Citizen Lab.
There goes the stock gains. Let's hope UK parliamentary sessions went by a more friendly route.
As recently as this week, Zoom suddenly transformed from a free tool to help us all during the pandemic to a slightly less altruistic data collection vehicle that now demands your email address to connect. First few hits were free, and once the dependency is in place...
As a techie that has spent years observing strict security protocols, such as not having a Facebook account and never using a pile of crap like Zoom, I've now had to submit to both because residents and work colleagues don't know what's really happening when they use these platforms. Of course I signed up without using the underscore, so the lanky Irish lad gets all the blame if I do anything wrong.
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Maybe we should furlough the Arsenal sections
Another study is showing that rates of non-COVID19 related pneumonia have plummeted during the outbreak. I suspect this will be true of all diseases and causes of death. Just why the Gates Foundation funded John Hopkins Medical Center has been so aggressively padding out the numbers is unknown at this time. But it would have been useful to have the real facts and maybe we should find a way to ensure that happens next time. Or else we'll be locked down every winter for one reason or another.
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