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Thread: Random Arsenal Shit (When it's not worth starting a thread)

  1. #9071
    ***** Niall_Quinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    He signed Ozil, Cech, Sanchez and Lacazettte. We don't need players of that quality to bumble along.
    I think he has tried to deliver success and the FA cup was a decent start but we haven't pushed on.
    Agree he's not one to try and achieve success at any cost though
    But we do need those sorts of players to retain our precious 4th Place Super Cup. He's done the absolute bare minimum that he feels he can get away with - and even then he shaved it too close last season and ended up 5th.
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  2. #9072
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    What possible reason would he not want to succeed? Just money? He'd get that anyway, he might even get more if we succeed.
    Makes zero sense that a manager at this level wouldn't want to succeed.
    I don't give a fuck what he wants, I care about what he does.

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  3. #9073
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    Quote Originally Posted by Özim View Post
    I totally agree, the guy will probably sign another 2 year contract then, they're a crafty lot. The guy shows no signs of wanting to leave, last season was a disaster and he dangled the possibility of him being unsure about him staying when in reality he knew all along, that much was obvious, some people thought he could leave, I never thought he would, he loves the power too much, success isn't all that important to him (not on the pitch anyway).
    Even I thought he wouldn't have the nerve to stay, given his rancid performance and the way he dragged the whole contract thing out. My fault was, I didn't think the guy was as bad as he is, as a conniving, manipulating son of a bitch. I should have known better. I was praying he'd bow out on yet another opportunity to grab a bit of dignity from a cup win. Some call that going out on a high. I call it going out on under achievement but some sort of achievement nonetheless. But the bloke instead uses it as a sign from the gods he's back in business.
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  4. #9074
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I don't give a fuck what he wants, I care about what he does.

    Sure. But the conversation was about whether he even wants success.
    Makes absolutely no sense for him not to. But he can't deliver it so yes, Wenger out.
    Do you think the board will replace him with someone who can though? Because they genuinely don't care how we do, within reason.
    It will at least be different and that can only be a good thing.

  5. #9075
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post
    Sure. But the conversation was about whether he even wants success.
    Makes absolutely no sense for him not to. But he can't deliver it so yes, Wenger out.
    Do you think the board will replace him with someone who can though? Because they genuinely don't care how we do, within reason.
    It will at least be different and that can only be a good thing.
    I don't think the board has any say in it - given the evidence of the summer. Kroenke doesn't give a fuck how we perform on the field. It's doubtful he even follows the week to week results. He'll judge things by the balance sheet and if that reads to his satisfaction then Wenger will stay. Plus Wenger actually defends the bastard. Can you imagine a Maureen type figure playing the obedient bitch like Wenger does? Wenger offers everything Kroenke needs so Wenger will be around for a while yet. In that respect it's true, nobody can replace Wenger because there's no manager out there worth the title who would put up with this shite.
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  6. #9076
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I see very little debate being initiated by you regarding the problems at the club. I do see you jump in on an almost routine basis whenever you feel like an "extreme" point has been made. Well, I was discussing a pretty fucking extreme point with other posters, in this thread I think, relating to Ivan the Lizard claiming we've over-performed over the last few seasons in comparison to the top clubs. What utter nonsense and frivolous wordplay. Surely extreme if you compare it to an innocuous comment such as , "pathetic result", surely? I really wonder why the latter seems to bother you more than the former, or at least why you choose to direct fire at a frustrated fan rather than the source of the frustration. You can state you want Wenger gone and you can agree the club is being run with the wrong motives, fairly easy things to agree with as they are obvious. But it doesn't tally with your behavioural pattern of diving in in defence of the "extreme" viewpoints targeted at Wenger. Except maybe in one context. Could it be Wenger himself, aside from him being the Arsenal manager, that you are seeking to defend? Perhaps you have some deep respect for the guy and you find it offensive when he's criticised in certain ways? Fine. But then comes the manner of your defence. You tend to belittle the people you argue against. Which is why I do the same thing to you, btw, but don't do it to other posters. One liners with a sarcastic smiley, the rolling eyes, the head slap, the sheer effort taken to dig out stuff from the past so you can paint people as conflicted, almost as if it is a crime to reconsider or have a change of mind. And the other stuff I already mentioned. You want other people to be reasonable but often you are very unreasonable and provocative and, some might say, extreme yourself. And so am I, but as an example, if I'm extreme it doesn't give you a pass to be the same if you then go around calling for others to be reasonable.

  7. #9077
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    Here he comes running, like Roy Keane to a referee who has just booked one of his players.

  8. #9078
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letters View Post

    Here he comes running, like Roy Keane to a referee who has just booked one of his players.
    What do you mean he's "come running"? He hasn't been in the thread all day.
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  9. #9079
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    Even I thought he wouldn't have the nerve to stay, given his rancid performance and the way he dragged the whole contract thing out. My fault was, I didn't think the guy was as bad as he is, as a conniving, manipulating son of a bitch. I should have known better. I was praying he'd bow out on yet another opportunity to grab a bit of dignity from a cup win. Some call that going out on a high. I call it going out on under achievement but some sort of achievement nonetheless. But the bloke instead uses it as a sign from the gods he's back in business.
    Without Wenger, this con job wouldn't have been possible. I think more people are catching on. I think it was Merson who said after Sir Chips performance at the AGM, Wenger came out smelling of roses with some fans falling for the okie doke singing the managers praises again. Merse called it a game. It's manipulation. We've all been played.

  10. #9080
    Quote Originally Posted by Niall_Quinn View Post
    I'd love to believe Kroenke gives a fuck beyond his basic business model which, in a nutshell is:

    1) Insider information,
    2) Stick in the wife's cash,
    3) Wait
    4) Take 200-300% profit...

    Let's just hope the cunt doesn't sell all the assets before he leaves.

    If Wenger can end run Gazidis and secure a new contract in a single meeting, that after fucking up the wholse season and only pulling his arse out of the fire with a random cup win after passage via two non-league teams... fuck me, the bloke is a lucky bastard. Just like Zim said.

    Kroenke doesn't give a flying fuck and that means Wenger is in total control. He won't be going anywhere.
    Has nothing to do with Kroenke, I think Wenger did wait as long as he did to sign a new contract because he was weighing up his fear of retirement his obsessive desire for control on all levels against the stick he rightly gets from the fans. He has acknowledged himself he’s only ever one bad result away from a mutinous atmosphere. And like I said this is more about Wenger giving himself room to walk away before the end of a contract. Unless he finishes outside the top six, yeah of course stupidly the job is his as long as he wants it.
    But at 68, even with nothing else going on in his life he probably does ask himself how worthwhile it is.

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