GW has been running as slow as hell for me today. To the point it is unbearable.
Is anyone else having problems?
GW has been running as slow as hell for me today. To the point it is unbearable.
Is anyone else having problems?
Running fine for me
Running fine for me... would suggest it's a problem at your end!! :D
Are other sites OK, GB?
I've not had any problems (well, very occasionally I have but it's rare and usually trying again is fine)
Other sites seem ok. Might try a different browser. Working ok now on my phone. This is good news because I'm sat in the cinema watching Winnie the Pooh!
You may (at points) experience very minimal loading issues... i.e. hitting reply, as the site pretty much runs on ajax throughout... but sometimes (as you'll know) it can get it's technical knickers in a twist... a simple re-click or refresh tends to work!
I've had this for the last 2 weeks on different computers and browsers. Soo annoying.
"what it means to be human - to be featherless, two-legged, linguistically conscious creatures
born between urine and faeces whose bodies will one day be the culinary delight of terrestrial worms.."
I just leave. Sometimes it goes back to normal.
Never had this with old GW tbh ()
"what it means to be human - to be featherless, two-legged, linguistically conscious creatures
born between urine and faeces whose bodies will one day be the culinary delight of terrestrial worms.."