Hello Goonersweb,
It's been a few years since I last graced your site. How are you all doing?
I see that a few of the 'oldies' are still here, yes I mean Letters, Dazthe gooner and Mac. ha ha.
Hello Goonersweb,
It's been a few years since I last graced your site. How are you all doing?
I see that a few of the 'oldies' are still here, yes I mean Letters, Dazthe gooner and Mac. ha ha.
Welcome back, you're in for a real treat because I'm here now! So great decision to come back.
Für eure Sicherheit
Welcome back.
Btw, who is your all time favourite Highbury Hero (other than the squirrel)?
If you don’t send this signature to ten people, you will become a Spurs fan.
Welcome back!
It's better to burn out, than to fade away.
Welcome to GW