This is a forum where you can post things that you want to get rid of, or ask for things you need (or even trade one for the other).
All the standard guidelines apply to this forum, but since there's buy/sell activity going on there's a few more things...
Ticket Sales - Please note that no sales of Arsenal tickets for above face value (including booking fee(s)) are allowed under any circumstances.
The Rules
No porn.
No alcohol, tobacco, or weapon sales.
No pirated/bootleg/illegal software sales/trades allowed.
No commercial services or products. Commercial is defined items obtained and sold for the purpose of profit.
Prices must be posted for ALL items, no auctions allowed.
No critical posts. If you have questions, ask them. If you think the price is too high PM the seller with a lower offer or keep it to yourself. This includes posting links to places selling lower priced items.
No scamming. Scamming is misleading the buyer or seller for the purposes of profiting. This may include selling something that is faulty or knowingly misrepresenting the quality of the item to inflate the price. If you scam, you will be banned and reported to the authorities. If you feel you have been scammed, please contact the mods.
Please limit yourself to one or two active threads at a time. If you have a number of items for sale, please put them into one thread.
Please limit the bumping (bringing your thread to the top) to once per day. Also keep in mind that not all items will sell, so try to keep the number of total bumps to a minimum.
Be smart about buying and selling, especially if it's someone you have to ship to/from. Use an online payment service and your Credit Card so you can get your money back if the seller doesn't send the item. If you have 3 posts and the other person has 3,000 expect to have to send the money/item first and the other person will respond after they have verified your half of the deal.
If you have any other suggestions for safe online buy/sell post them here.