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Thread: 2021

  1. #1
    Resident Liverpool Fan Shaqiri Is Boss's Avatar
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    Let's be honest 2020 was pretty fucking shit, so let's us look ahead to 2021 and hope it is a bit better than the shit that preceded it.

    So what does everyone hope for from next year? No fucking bollocks chat like Brexit and Trump and Biden and shite like that, but what do you want from next year?

    I fucking lost my head this year, cracked up and did some stupid, pathetic shit, even before the March lockdown (which I actually quite enjoyed) but I'm probably going to lose if not just my Dad then maybe my Mum as well (thanks again 2020) so I hope to actually have a grown up conversation with them about.. life and stuff. I don't think I've ever really done that, which is quite sad really. I've been lucky, I've never had to deal with grief, but I know it's coming and I still haven't worked out if that's a good thing or not.

    And I guess Liverpool to win the league again

  2. #2
    MOe Marc Overmars's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your parents pal.

    2020 was an absolute shit show. I’ve never been one to really think about mental health but as time goes on I can definitely feel how much mine was affected this year. The only thing that kept me sane was spending time at home with my kid, time I would definitely not have seen if I was still commuting every day. He’s only 18 months old so it’s been great watch him develop.

    2021 doesn’t look like it will start any better but hopefully by Easter we can get back to normal life. I just really need to blow off some steam whether that’s with a nice holiday or seeing all my mates and getting shitfaced. Just anything to feel normal again I’ll take.

  3. #3
    Member WMUG's Avatar
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    2020 was a weirdly good year for me personally.

    Finally got my degree after 6 years during which time I got kicked out once, worked a tedious retail job and nearly shattered my relationship with my parents (scraped a 2:1, too!)

    Got to spend lockdown watching nature by the pond me and dad built, moved in with my girlfriend and made a good start to my working life.

    Girlfriend got promoted too.

    For 2021, hoping for the vaccine to get rolled out ASAP so we can go on some travels, gigs, football matches and what have you. Start enjoying life again, rather than just preparing for when life will be enjoyable.
    You used to be everything to me
    Now you're tired of fighting

  4. #4
    Member I am invisible's Avatar
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    Shit, sorry to hear that, mate - sounds rough. Best wishes to your folks - hope they’re comfortable, and that there’s still a chance they’ll pull through. Do you have any siblings you can share the load with?

    2020 has been a total dick, but I will say this - it really has cut through all the noise and brought the important things into sharp focus. If you’d asked me a year ago what I wanted for the coming year I probably would reeled off all the usual stuff... pay rise, bigger house, better car, go somewhere nice on holiday, etc. Now, all I want is to keep my girls in school, for work to remain steady, and to see my family and friends again. Nothing else really seems to matter that much.

    My hopes for Arsenal are pretty modest - I just want to make it through to Özil and Mustafiless promised land of summer 2021 without getting relegated. Everything gets easier after that point and we can start to rebuild. So, so close... just have to hang on for another 6 months...

  5. #5
    Member Mac76's Avatar
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    Shaqiri IB, sorry to hear about your folks, my sympathies mate

    I had a couple of real downer weeks in the autumn, one late October and one late November, i always get SAD at that time of year but this was worse

    I had to keep working though and there times when it was tricky, when you have so many zoom meetings etc

    I should say that as well as trying to keep up with friends etc this board's been somewhere to come for a bit of banter and laughs so thanks guys for that

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