Personal highlights?
Any regrets?
Any changes? (for better or worse)
Any special plans for 2013?
Personal highlights?
Any regrets?
Any changes? (for better or worse)
Any special plans for 2013?
Been the best year i can remember
Personal highlights? - working during the Olympics at the Olympics. Just brilliant. The atmosphere, the team i worked with, the fun we had, just simply brilliant
Any regrets? Nothing major that i can remember
Any changes? (for better or worse) Im being paid more than i was a year ago. Got promoted at work due to my performance at the Olympics
Any special plans for 2013? Have sex
Getting engaged
Regrets....lots. But they are pretty morbid, so will leave it be!
Gave up smoking. Got promoted.
Not going to make plans for 2013. I just want to enjoy life, and appreciate it a bit more. I know it's a cliche, but I wanna stop wasting time![]()
It's better to burn out, than to fade away.
Personal highlights: 27 kill streak on COD. Hooking England U19 rapid pace demon.
Any regrets: Passing up some very easy opportunities to acquire currency. Not staying in touch with parents. Not doing enough to help out certain friends who have been through a horrendous year.
Any changes: (Up until recently when I was forced to stop) I did follow through on reaching alpha as fuck fitness levels.
Any special plans for 2013? Hoping for better health. Get some serious mileage done with my research. Be better organised and plan some short trips.
Becoming a father with the birth of my son
Buying a house
No regrets really. Been my best year to date i reckon.
Trying to sort out my finances better is pretty much the goal for 2013
personal highights - finding the area i want to specalise in for my career and starting to get odd bits of work for it and university going well. going to the 5-2 in novmeber.
regrets - staying with a girl who tired to control me and not realising it until too late then having a bad break up right at the end of year.
any changes - dont allow people to control me, who i see, or speak to.
special plans for 2013 - spend as much time with my grandparents as possible, visit my friend in spain and kick on with uni stuff
Well...I got married. That was quite good. And had a fantastic honeymoon
And I think we all enjoyed the Olympics.
No major regrets, no. It's been a brilliant year. Kinda wish I'd bothered more about Paralympic tickets, by the time I got excited about it, it was too late. But there was a wedding to plan so there were other things to be doing then.
Nothing concrete planned for 2013 - well, a few shows and things but nothing that big. Will hopefully travel a bit with MrsL and show her places like NY and Rome that she's not been to and maybe go on a bigger holiday to somewhere neither of us have been before.